[-] [email protected] 1 points 3 hours ago* (last edited 3 hours ago)

Very interesting stuff, thank you!

Albeit the post seems a bit esoteric for lemmyshitpost without the extra context

[-] [email protected] 1 points 3 hours ago

Well obviously it is a philosophical dilemma, but the dozens of ironic variations created for memes gave it a different purpose as meme template.

Otherwise it would be a lot less well known i would guess, under normal circumstances you encounter this perhaps once or twice during your education unless you actively take an interest in such musings. Due to the memes I probably come across the drawing once per week if not more

[-] [email protected] 10 points 12 hours ago* (last edited 12 hours ago)

Not op, no idea either. Best I can make of it is some sort of surrealist fifth level multi layered reference to several memes at once? The only one I know is the trolley problem one

[-] [email protected] 5 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

Having the pixel buds myself, I feel your pain. Do a little bit of physical activity and at least one side gets loose and slippery.

I found that I simply dont have symmetrical ear canals, I use the mid size plug on one and the smallest plug on the other ear. That way they seem to fit somewhat reliably.

[-] [email protected] 40 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago)

My personal belief still is that the prohibitive approach is futile and ultimately more harmful than the alternative: embrace the technology, promote it and create deepfakes of everyone.

Soon the taboo will be gone, the appeal as well, and everyone will have plausible deniability too, because if there are dozens of fake nudes of any given person then who is to say which are real, and why does it even matter at that point?

This would be a great opportunity to advance our societal values and morals beyond prudish notions, but instead we double down on them.

E: just to clarify I do not at all want to endorse creating nudity of minors here. Just point out that the girl in the article wouldn't have to humiliate herself trying to do damage control in the above scenario, because it would be entirely unimportant.

[-] [email protected] 15 points 6 days ago

You think a company producing weeb games can't do this at the behest of a totalitarian government?

Okay then

[-] [email protected] 3 points 6 days ago

As the other commenter suggested, try bazzite. Setup as easy as configuring a new smartphone and ready to game right off the bat

[-] [email protected] 11 points 1 week ago

Once you're older than 15 you will discover that a few things in life can have a massive impact on your general well being and health, and it absolutely makes sense to spend big on those. Good shoes are one of these things, a quality mattress appropriate for your body type is another.

[-] [email protected] 20 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

Doesnt seem unreasonable, we have people here on lemmy who post and comment more than 100 times each day, also over a whole year. And I dont mean bots

submitted 3 weeks ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Hey guys, I am trying to get rid of my old Facebook accounts. I have not been using them for years, in fact I dont know their login data and for one i dont even have access to the email address any more.

I am a EU citizen and attempted to instruct them to close the accounts per email, since logging in requires me to consent to them using my data or pay money (probably illegal here too).

They sent me a quick response basically to go fuck myself, even after I offered to provide personal identification to verify I am the account owner and reminded them that I am an EU citizen and that my data is subject to those laws.

How can i force these fuckers to comply with my request for deletion of the accounts and associated data?

[-] [email protected] 40 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago)

Honestly I am dismayed we have this dumb ass reddit culture take hold. Not everything you disagree with must be ~~bannned from the sub~~ defederated immediately, your instance doesnt owe you a feed that's exactly how you like it. Defederation should be the last resort, since it entirely breaks communication and interaction between the instance's users.

Instead, use the client side blocking features to clean up your feed. Personally I have blocked over 80 communities and users because they are centered around topics or beliefs I dont want on my feed, I blocked two instances as well, but I can still read their user's comments and interact with their users outside the instances.

Defederating is just splintering the fediverse. Unless at all avoidable it shouldn't be done, in fact I chose my instance specifically because it defederates nobody but meta and illegal content such as gore and csam.

[-] [email protected] 4 points 3 weeks ago

Well I agreed that it is an ultimately bad change, but I can see how the beginner mode mentality would lead to this conclusion. Provide the new user with the most stable and bug free experience possible, and after some time they will probably turn that setting off on their own to get all that popular software.

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