
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 3 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

A decade ago I had a little extra money and chose to buy a 144 hz gaming monitor and video card. I don't have great eyesight nor do I play games that require twitch reflexes, but at that time 144 hz frame rate (and configuring the game to be >100 fps) was very noticable. I'd much rather play 1080 at >100 fps rather than 4k at 60 fps or below.

This may be different between people. I don't believe I have great eyesight, depth perception, color perception, etc, but I am really sensitive to motion. I built my second computer (AMD Athlon 64 bit I think?) and spend a significant sum on a CRT that had higher refresh rates. I can't use a CRT at 60Hz. I perceive the flicker and I get a headache after about 20 minutes. I couldn't use Linux on that computer (I was stuck at 60 hz on that kernel/video driver) until I saved up even more to buy an LCD monitor. I can't perceive a 60 hz flicker on an LCD, and 60Hz is fine for work.

But for gaming, high refresh rate is noticable, even for someone that normally doesn't notice visual stuff, like me.

[–] [email protected] 22 points 9 months ago (4 children)

Related to fingerprinting, it's theorized that if a person doesn't have a Facebook account but their friend group does, Facebook will create a "shadow account" which isn't public but still attempts to collect data for this person based on the posts, pictures, and location data from friends on Facebook that spend time with this person. Zuckerberg admitted to Congress that Facebook does collect information on non-users.

Even for users, Facebook attempts to establish a lot of metrics, even if the user doesn't provide them, like estimated income and political affiliation, for advertisers to use.

I saw some of this first hand. Several years ago I tried some advertising for some affiliate marketing. Facebook's ad platform let me limit advertising to people with gaming consoles between certain ages, and I noticed I could target it for people who likely leaned more liberal or conservative if I wanted, or only for an estimated household income level. It's surprisingly detailed.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 9 months ago

*she's unable to relocate

[–] [email protected] 3 points 10 months ago

Have you been playing Starfield? This is related to something in the game.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 10 months ago

I love "The Dollop" episode on action park. The Dollop hosts were the guests on BTB episode on Kissinger.

The Dollop is a great history podcast. Tends to be a little on the light-hearted side (but not always)

[–] [email protected] 32 points 11 months ago (9 children)

I switched from slashdot to Digg. Digg to Reddit when Digg started censoring the Blu-Ray decryption key (before v4), then was on Reddit until RIF shut down. I'm scheduled to get my 16 year badge this year I think. I haven't posted or commented since RIF shut down though.

I'm debating whether to sell my account or delete it. $75 could buy a lot of printer filament.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

Brine them in Vicker's sauce for 24 hours, place in a bowl or ziplock bag and toss in a heavy dark sauce like Stubb's, Corky's, or Jack Daniels. Smoke and caramelize the bbq sauce. Then, optionally, give a thin coat of BBQ sauce again for messy wings.

Stubb's original is my favorite.