submitted 1 week ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

As the title states. I’ve been a software developer for a year now and work for a tiny company, where the salary isn’t amazing. I got paid more at Apple Genius Bar, but it wasn’t as challenging.

I still feel like I’m stupid, I’ll rely on the owner lead engineer for help on the more complex problems and because we have a great set of conventions I’ll frequently be going back to old projects to extract the logic from their. Whether that be reading from Excel spreadsheets or the controller flow, as we use GraphQL api for most calls.

Does it just click at some point?

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[-] [email protected] 72 points 1 week ago

Some advice that has taken me over a decade to learn myself:

There are no rules, the titles are made up, the responsibilities and requirements do no matter.

Get what you can from your job, and once you get something do your Best even if that best sucks, and stay until you have gotten what you want out of the job, or realize you can't or don't want to do it anymore, and then start again doing something else.

Don't ever limit yourself thinking you need to "level up" or something needs to get unlocked.

Learn by doing, try your best, you will make things that suck sometimes, but as you do more and more you should be making things better.

[-] [email protected] 13 points 1 week ago


I think you’re right in that there are no rules, and although this is something that I don’t cope well with, I like set paths and to know how to approach things rather than yeah just do you.

I guess it’s hard when one minute you feel like a god and the next you feel like an imposter.

[-] [email protected] 12 points 1 week ago

I guess it’s hard when one minute you feel like a god and the next you feel like an imposter.

Honestly, that is normal. Even for those of us in other IT industries. If you have been there a year then they trust the work you are doing is correct or they would have had improvement plans.

What you can do is go to your tech lead and ask if he can point you at resources to improve your skills.

As for the pay, remember to job hop every couple years to bump it up to keep ahead of inflation.

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this post was submitted on 18 Jun 2024
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