submitted 3 days ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I haven’t bought computer speaker setup in well over a decade, but getting back into gaming, any suggestions?

I ask, due to the fact it looks like the old brands are all over the place in quality these days, like the Logitech G560 Speaker System, whose required software is messy. https://a.co/d/00gehZRS

Which is really making me wish I kept up to date, as Amazons current “recommendations system” can’t be trusted for quality with so many being cheapo speakers and SEO ruining result searches. 

Thanks in advance, as I feel like I’ve awaken in a speaker dystopia. 😧

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[-] [email protected] 30 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

I'm not an audiophile but I am a dj and music producer. I'd say the others who commented so far say not to look for "computer speakers" and they're right. Soundbars and all that crap will sound like shit compared to any set of regular speakers.

But I wanted to add that the easiest speakers to buy and use are probably powered speakers. Meaning that you power the speaker directly with a power cable, and you send the speaker the audio signal. Other non powered speakers require an amplifier/receiver. Aka a third piece of gear you'd probably rather not have to research or buy.

So I'd recommend any powered speakers that are within your budget. Larger speakers will yield more bass because they can move more air aeound. Sound is just wiggly air. Depending on your room size, I'd probably recommend something at least with 7inch or bigger bass drivers (the bigger speaker cone). Someone else mentioned KRK which is a pretty cheap brand but they don't sound terrible especially if you go for the larger ones.

As far as connecting powered speakers to your computer goes, it's really not that expensive to buy a simple audio interface. I'd highly recommend the focusrite Scarlett 2i2. I have one as a secondary interface to my main one. It's rock solid. Just plug it in and it works. There's a volume knob on the front. Get some quarter inch audio cables to go from the back of your focusrite to the powered speakers. Done. Enjoy and hopefully this helps.

Edit: I should add that I've been using a pair of Fostex PM2 mkii powered speakers as my main music production speakers for the past 10+ years. I write, mix and master every song I've released. Look me up on Spotify. My most popular song has over half a million plays. I mixed and mastered that song myself on my trusty Fostex. So hopefully that makes my advice more credible.

[-] [email protected] 5 points 3 days ago

Bonus question: How do you see AI affecting music production in the future? Sites like Suno can already produce some sort of music, but will that sort of technology enhance or threaten your work? Is this just like the time when the spinning jenny revolutionized the textile industry?

[-] [email protected] 12 points 3 days ago

Acoustic instruments are going to come back in a major way. Eventually folks are going to get tired of listening to computers masturbating.

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this post was submitted on 27 Jun 2024
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