submitted 5 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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[-] [email protected] 0 points 5 months ago

Yep, this is why I lost faith in these giant tech companies, my next phone will be Fairphone

[-] [email protected] 1 points 5 months ago

I'm waiting for a fairphone with a headphone jack and then hopping on that.

[-] [email protected] 0 points 5 months ago

Oh, the headphone jack... using a phone without it is so counter productive and annoying, wait for the phone to fully charge, now wait for your headsets to charge too, I don't know why we're moving backwards 🙄

[-] [email protected] 0 points 5 months ago

I used to feel this way until I realized that a large percentage of phone users rarely used earbuds or headphones, including myself. Wired earbuds were a pain in the ass, nobody wanted to carry a coiled up cable in their pocket all day. But a little clamshell with a couple small buds in it fits pretty well into a jeans pocket. Once wireless earbuds hit the market, everyone started using them for a reason.

The only real argument for an analog headphone jack at this point is audio fidelity, and if you care about that you're 1, not using your phone with a cheap DAC to do it and 2, your headphones probably use a 1/4" jack not a 3.5mm one. Wireless protocols are also catching up to analog as far as audio quality as well, and most people expect IP68 from a good phone these days, and you're not getting that with a 3.5mm audio jack or removable battery.

The consumers who care about an audio jack on phones these days are a very vocal minority.

[-] [email protected] 1 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

They were no more of a pain than fishing out a wireless holder, and they took up even less space. The reason people used wireless was because manufacturers stopped giving people the option to use wired. That being said, having a headphone jack still lets you use wireless.

And nobody actually uses wired for audio quality, they use it because they don't have to charge their headphones and separate headphone case or deal with the health of another battery, they can connect and disconnect their audio devices faster and easier, they don't have to pay for an extra wireless chip and dac in their headphones or a third battery and electronics in a case.

There's actually quite a few good reasons to have the option available if you want it. I'd argue this is a "dress with no pockets" scenario, where everybody begrudgingly puts up with it because the manufacturers don't give them an option.

Pretty much every single person i talk to about this thinks that removing the headphone jack was a stupid idea, and those who don't think it's stupid are indifferent anyway.

this post was submitted on 26 Jan 2024
0 points (NaN% liked)


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