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TL;DR version:

We're still figuring out what our policies are regarding federation and moderation but illegal nasty shit is not allowed and it will never be and illegal non-nasty shit (I.E. software piracy, whistling a copyrighted song, etc ) is only allowed in external communities (for now).

founded 11 months ago
This is an automated archive made by the Lemmit Bot.

The original was posted on /r/gamedeals by /u/PM_ME_FREEGAMES on 2023-09-14 17:00:07.


Store description:

A game about the difficult work of people that manage emergency services. Answer incoming calls and react properly - give first aid instructions, advise, dispatch the correct number of firemen/police/ambulances, or sometimes - just ignore the call. Play on ANY CITY in the world!

Steam reviews: 89%


Store description:

A game about the difficult work of people that manage emergency services. Answer incoming calls and react properly - give first aid instructions, advise, dispatch the correct number of firemen/police/ambulances, or sometimes - just ignore the call. Play on ANY CITY in the world!

Steam reviews: 89%

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