submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

This was an interview on ABC (Australian public broadcaster) with Signal Foundation president Meredith Whittaker. It covered some points relevant to the discussions on Signal and encrypted messaging, with a small bit on AI at the end. The original title of the video is bad.

Key points in the video:

  • 1:30 - Should platforms be held responsible for [the content]
  • 3:15 - (paraphrased) Governments want law enforcement to have access to encrypted communications, why not?
  • 4:15 - (paraphrased) What if people are using it for criminal behaviour
  • 7:00 - (paraphrased) Random AI section
submitted 1 week ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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TL;DR version:

We're still figuring out what our policies are regarding federation and moderation but illegal nasty shit is not allowed and it will never be and illegal non-nasty shit (I.E. software piracy, whistling a copyrighted song, etc ) is only allowed in external communities (for now).

founded 11 months ago