submitted 9 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Recently, I've been using linux(tried multiple distros). I'm curious about how linux works, it's architecture! Is there a book, guide, video, etc to learn about linux? By using linux, I get to know something. It would be better If I know how linux works!

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[-] [email protected] 0 points 9 months ago

Hey, learning through book is great, but how is it better than installing gentoo, arch or through LFS. What would be the best way to actually understand how linux works

[-] [email protected] 6 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

Well, the way I like to learn is: First read a book. And then get the actual thing and play around with it.

This way around you're doing it a bit more methodical. And more effective than just fooling around. But the experience and exercise with the thing itself is also super important. You'll get practical experience and this is often the time you understand why things are a certain way and really start to understand details.

In case of linux: Read the mentioned book. Install a distro without an automatic installer (arch, gentoo, ...). You'll need to read the documentation while doing this. Use Linux daily for a year. Install a webserver, fileserver, ... And if you want to dig down all the way, get through the Linux From Scratch process (but don't start with that, and I don't recommend it either. It's mostly hard work and boring details nobody needs to know.).

[-] [email protected] 1 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

'read and then do'? How is it better than 'learn while you do'? It may save you some time when you read and then do, but I think you can learn more when you do and also learn in the process? Correct me, If I'm wrong. Are there any books or resources which are available for free of cost?

[-] [email protected] 1 points 9 months ago

Libgen.rs (books for free) By doing without reading you are at risk of not understanding the meaning of what you are doing.

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this post was submitted on 13 Sep 2023
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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Linux is a family of open source Unix-like operating systems based on the Linux kernel, an operating system kernel first released on September 17, 1991 by Linus Torvalds. Linux is typically packaged in a Linux distribution (or distro for short).

Distributions include the Linux kernel and supporting system software and libraries, many of which are provided by the GNU Project. Many Linux distributions use the word "Linux" in their name, but the Free Software Foundation uses the name GNU/Linux to emphasize the importance of GNU software, causing some controversy.


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