submitted 2 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

More or less title.

The idea is, one can already excise the corporation social media somewhat, or limit their reach into your content, if you self-host your social media (or at least if you participate in the Fediverse, say on Mastodon Lemmy etc) and instead link or cross post to corporate ones such as say Twitter or Discord.

But I'm looking for something to self-host that is better geared to do this with small snippets of text that (mostly) stand by themselves. Something that would fit in a original!tweet or even smaller and would not have much use for the "conversation workflow" UI of corporate social media.

The two use cases I'm aiming for are:

  • instead of posting something creative directly on eg.: Reddit or Discord (by which in the latter it would get locked and lost in that blackhole), I just post it in $THINGY and then link it on Reddit / Discord. That way I also retain license.
  • having a "local" archive of my comments on various stuff that I can tag, query or consult on, or even easily share with other people.

At first I thought "maybe what I'm looking is micro-blogging" but on second thought it feels like I'm looking for something even smaller than that? I'm not at all sure, so I thought to ask around here what would you guys self-host for this kind of thing or if it's even a Thing.


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[-] [email protected] 0 points 2 months ago

I think you should ask yourself, if you just want text, or if you'd like to have embedded images as well. In general it sounds, as if you are looking for something to publish notes. This could be simple text files on a webserver, or Markdown/Org-Mode files on a webserver, or Markdown/Org-Mode files converted to HTML on a webserver, or a tool like HedgeDoc: https://hedgedoc.org/

[-] [email protected] 0 points 2 months ago

Wow you have given me good things to think about. At first I was thinking I'd want solely text, but now I'm thinking what I'd want would be something closer to hypertext / Rich Text since that's how the content shows in sites already. So something like a "HTML pastebin" or somesuch would work, I guess?

(HedgeDoc looks interesting, am going to look around for a demo)

[-] [email protected] 0 points 2 months ago

There is a demo instance: https://demo.hedgedoc.org/

If you look at the buttons on the top, you'll see, that you can create a guest note.

[-] [email protected] 2 points 2 months ago

So I'm running a Hedgedoc instance this week to test how things are going. Feels like one of the better choices.

this post was submitted on 13 Apr 2024
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