submitted 1 month ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Bonjour tout le monde,

I have finally fully installed linux mint and have been working on getting everything up and running. So far, I haven't had many issues, but I am having trouble with my 2nd drive. I just want my 2nd drive to mount on boot, and for programs to be able to write to it.

I have looked up guides on pulling up the disks in mint and going into the mount options and selecting mount on boot. This works, but for some reason, programs lose permission to write to it. When I switch the drive back to 'user session defaults' programs can write to it, but it doesn't mount on boot. I haven't found anyone mentioning this problem so I thought I would post here. Also, my home folder isn't encrypted and when I go to permissions on the drive, it says 'permissions could not be determined'


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[-] [email protected] 7 points 1 month ago

You have to add the drive to a file called 'fstab' to have it be mounted on launch

If you want a video guide here's the one I learnt to do it from.

It is kinda annoying Linux doesn't seem to have a decent auto mount solution yet especially for people like me with 6+ drives in their machine.

[-] [email protected] 5 points 1 month ago

I followed this video and the auto mount works, but my programs still can't write to it due to lacking permissions...

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this post was submitted on 31 May 2024
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