submitted 1 week ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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[-] [email protected] 38 points 1 week ago

I get so scared to interact with the vegan users on here. And I am on their side.

But like why do I see people getting harrassed and banned for like admitting out loud they love cheese too much so that they haven’t been able to find a replacement yet but they are looking?

Why does veganism manifest in such a scary way here? Speaking as someone who participates in non-scary vegan commities 😭I wish the vegan movement so much success and I don’t want that to result in a schism on here but I feel like doing harrassment and name calling doesn’t work well. Just like, be kind.

[-] [email protected] 19 points 1 week ago

It's just how internet activist groups work. Most people aren't motivated to improve things for their cause, they're motivated to prove to others in their group how zealous they are. The more outlandish and untrue the things they say are, the more they prove their loyalty to the cause and the more points they'll get from others in the group.

It's the same pattern of behavior for every internet activist group. Whether it's a vegan group, a socialist group, a MAGA group, an antivax group, Qanon, whatever. Promoting the cause doesn't really matter, it's about promoting yourself to others within the cause. Which is why you see insane lies about every kind of contentious issue. They aren't trying to convince you, they're trying to convince the others in the group how dedicated they are to the cause. "I'm willing to lie to help the cause!" gets a lot of points from the people already supporting the cause.

[-] [email protected] 3 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

This is an interesting theory, but I think you're just wrong on several counts. There are definitely permanently online people who don't do anything in the real world, but out of the groups you listed, vegans and MAGA members almost universally have material impact on the world (socialists and antivaxers would like to, but their impact is usually hyper-localized, so you'll find more "only-online" types).

For vegans and MAGA, there is real direct action that they partake in as buy-in for the group. For the former, it's abstaining from animal products, and for the latter it's voting for Trump.

Claiming most vegans or MAGA people aren't motivated to improve things for their cause is demonstrably false. An interesting theory nonetheless.

I'll mention just so my biases are clear, I'm a vegan socialist, but I don't think i was unfair here in favor of those positions.

[-] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago

I see what you are saying but I don’t think it’s every. Perhaps every kind.

Once I see a group getting this toxic I just leave and make or join a new one that is being more constructive :)

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