joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

You're right - I was one of those people (Not running back though) I sometimes fell into the trap of just going to Reddit /r/popular and scrolling. After many attempts of telling myself "No, I will just have a nice curated feed on home instead, with only hobbies and interests, and I'll only look at the end of the day"

Next thing I know I've gone and clicked /r/Popular again and I'm scrolling down. And it was bad because while, sure, I sometimes saw some cool or wholesome stuff, I also saw a lot of bad. People being cruel, drama nonsense, even more extreme stuff like death and gore. It all bubbles up there in some way. It was not healthy for me to keep visiting it.

Once I ditched those platforms - things started looking up, and I've even gotten way more productive too.