
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 15 points 3 weeks ago (2 children)

My parents don't speak English, but I learned it as a kid by watching a lot of Cartoon Network. All the cartoons were in English, no subtitles or dub or anything. Somehow I assimilated the language without any external aid, and then learned the rest when we first got the internet and I started communicating with others via games.

So, if I had to teach a kid English, I'd just expose them to as much English as possible with plenty of context and encourage them to express themselves in English when they can. This is also a popular method how adults can learn languages, called tprs

[–] [email protected] 10 points 3 weeks ago (2 children)

The meaning and ideas of solarpunk are still evolving, but the main themes are freedom, community, ecology and pragmatism. I won't go over the anarchic organisation of communities since I think you mistook the pragmatism for primitivism.

Solarpunk is not about primitivism and a return to a low-technological era, and neither is it a high tech cyberpunk spinoff, as some others think. Solarpunk is about using practical solutions that are also ethical and egolocially friendly. This often means not throwing stuff away, but fixing what can be fixed and reusing what can be reused, because mass production and consumerism is seen as a damaging force. So instead of trying to make up new tech and produce new things, solarpunk would ask you to first consider whether you can do something already with what you have, which means that a DIY approach is encouraged. However, if new technology can improve our lives without damaging everything else, it's acceptable.

And it is the complete opposite of thinking about the "good old days", as solarpunk is looking only towards the future. The 'punk' in the name means that when you look at all the doom and gloom in the future (capitalism, wars, global warming) you don't fall into despair, but instead try to play your part in your community to fight it and promote a lifestyle of mutual aid and a respect for nature, with whatever level of technology can give you the best results.

That was my attempt at a short presentation. We have a wiki and a manifesto if anyone is interested

[–] [email protected] 7 points 1 month ago

Right, I think it only covers personal information: companies can only collect what they need to run their service, users can request to see their data etc. I don't think it applies to comments and posts.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 months ago

I'm so traumatized by that video that now, 17 or so years later, I had to carefully scroll your comment in case the picture you posted was the screaming face

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 months ago

"It is not that we have a short time to live, but that we waste a lot of it"

And at the end:

"No one keeps death in view, no one refrains from far-reaching hopes; some men, indeed, even arrange for things that lie beyond life—huge masses of tombs and dedications of public works and gifts for their funeral-pyres and ostentatious funerals. But, in very truth, the funerals of such men ought to be conducted by the light of torches and wax tapers, as though they had lived but the tiniest span." [As if a child had died]

Seneca, On the Shortness of Life

[–] [email protected] 1 points 9 months ago (1 children)

But if waves transmit information, and the same information comes at all sides, won't the signals that bounce off the reflector arrive after the waves with a direct line and thus transmit redundant information?

[–] [email protected] 3 points 9 months ago

Eveyone needs it. Aristotle starts out his Nicomachean ethics stating that virtuous acts are first and foremost for the benefit of the virtuous person.

Platonic ethics should also really be taught widely, even more so than Aristotle's because they're easier to receive. Even if he has some hard to accept views such as that commiting injustice is worse than suffering it, everyone would benefit if children grew up with the notion that everyone does what they think best, and that those who do "wrong" things do so out of ignorance of what is good, rather than what we currently have where everyone knows what is objectively good, and those who don't do it are willfully wrongdoers and you just need to punish them enough and they'll become good.

Although you can have the best educational plans in the galaxy if the educarional system is crap. I don't know about the rest of the world, but where I'm from all education from primary school to a master's degree is just a bunch of information being thrown at you with 0 context and reasoning behind it, and when you're able to reproduce that information on demand (without any context): congratz, you're educated!

[–] [email protected] 5 points 10 months ago (1 children)

It's actually what motivated me to start hahaha. I wanted a gift from my corvid friends, but my corvid friends run the hell away if they even catch a glimpse of me in the corner of the room through a window. I guess because it's a small balcony instead of a large, open and safe space. Even though I gave up on the idea and now feed them for no other reason than to feed them, I wish they would at least be chill with my existence. I'm fairly certain they think nuts grow out of flower pots.

But damn they look cool.

[–] [email protected] 24 points 10 months ago (6 children)

Very relatable. I started leaving food for some local magpies about a year ago, and now they wake me up every morning at 6.

I once had a problem when suddenly some tits arrived and started stealing all the food. A huge magpie would take like one hazelnut and be on its way, while these small fuckers would eat like pigs, and then hide what was left. They'd take the nuts and shove them somewhere between the flowers on my balcony. Tough the magpies too have often burried nuts in the soil below the flowers, only to dig them out again.

And it was so cool to watch some sparrow coming and going a dozen times to pull out some weeds that have been growing (I left the pots with the flowers outside over winter, the flowers died and weeds started to grow), and then carry them to a hole in a wall where a brick is missing which presumably is the nest.

But it was so so cool when I got woken up a few days in succession to a silhouette of a majestic crow standing on my balcony (my bed looks directly through the balcony window facing north-east). Crows are so cool, and magpies are really beatutiful, though extremely skittish.

[–] [email protected] 97 points 10 months ago (5 children)

I still remember when I tried to run a binary on a different architecture and got the message: "Bad elf magic"

[–] [email protected] 2 points 10 months ago

Or take the best of both worlds and listen to symphonic metal!

But yeah, playing in a symphonic orchestra does sound cool.

[–] [email protected] 13 points 10 months ago (3 children)

If you want to say that you don't care about something (as in: "I don't give a fuck"), in Serbian you would say: "My dick hurts". And that's an expression you'll hear almost daily. A less used variant of that, but still legit is: "My balls are beeping".

While not insulting, I'll throw in our way to say: "I'm/You're fucked". It's: "Jebao sam/si ježa u leđa", which means: "I/You fucked a hedgehog in the back"

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