
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 11 points 1 week ago

I'll point out that you can use Dragon Age Keep to plan out key choices in the narratives of the first two games, and even create a world state for import into Inquisition. Helpful if you want to play Inquisition and want a refresher and/or don't want to replay the earlier games

[–] [email protected] 19 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

The hardest part of the Water Temple is that one of the keys is hidden way better than the others, and if you start opening doors in the wrong direction you will run out of keys without it. Combine that with the clunkiness of swapping to/from the Iron Boots and raising/lowering the water level, and the place quickly grew tedious and frustrating.

The 3DS remake added an extra camera sweep and some decor highlighting the hidden passage where that key is found.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 4 weeks ago

I only ever got one ad in RIF, repeated in every spot. I think it was an app for organizing decks in TGCs, but as I don't play any TGCs, I never bothered to investigate. As with every other ad on the internet, I only interacted with it by accident.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 2 months ago

Briefly: I didn't.

More substantively: I never owned a cell phone growing up, even though I was at the right age when they became a common thing for teenagers to have. It wasn't a money thing, nor household rule, as my sisters got phones when they were in high school. The biggest reason was probably just how I communicate. I wasn't big into IM services either, and I preferred email or face-to-face, or a (landline) phone call if it was an urgent matter.

Then there was also my adolescent brain thinking I was making a bold counter-culture statement by steadfastly resisting the march of technology. In reality, I was probably just being a pain in the neck for my friends and family, and I probably unnecessarily endangered myself at least once.

I did finally, begrudgingly, get an old hand-me-down flip-phone in my final year of university, but that was out of necessity, and I used it to make maybe only a dozen calls the 2.5 years I had it before getting a smart device.

To bring it full circle: I did try sending a text message with that flip-phone exactly once, at the insistence of my family. That message was predictably a garbled mess, and to this day my sisters still wonder how I managed to get a number to appear in the middle of the "word".

I have a number of other somewhat amusing stories about people's reactions to my lack of a cellphone, but this post is long enough already.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 2 months ago (5 children)

Am I the only person in my generation who never learned to type on a number pad? It wasn't the only thing I didn't recognize from the "test", but it stuck out to me.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 months ago

My wife and I had this conversation the other day. Our kid is only two right now, but as we've learned, these milestones sneak up on you.

I used my own life as a guide to my opinion, and so landed on age eight or so. That's around the age I remember being able to go to the park or to a friend's house within the neighbourhood on my own.

Other questions about how much functionality the phone would have and how much access they would have to it at home are still to be determined.

[–] [email protected] 45 points 2 months ago (3 children)

At least last time I donated blood in my country (Canada), you could discretely indicate "do not use" by applying a different sticker to the bag. This was done in case someone got peer pressured into donating but didn't want to reveal something private that would have disqualified them otherwise.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 6 months ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

My first attempt to cancel my SiriusXM subscription saw the agent tell me that it was "impossible" because I had "just renewed." It was true that I had recently renewed, but only because I had forgotten to cancel it in time. Since that was my mistake I was willing to just let it go and just use the service another year. But in order to stop that from happening again, I wanted to cancel early, which they didn't let me do.

My second attempt three months later saw the agent protest again, saying that I should call back when it was closer to renewal. This time I put my foot down and got them to cancel my renewal.

Or so I thought.

I finally had to call them again eight months later after I started getting emails hyping up my impending renewal. It seems that instead of outright canceling, they had instead put a note on my file to cancel at a later date - a note I'm presuming they were going to ignore.

Maybe their system really did make it impossible for front-line agents to cancel to far out from the renewal date. That would explain the agents' behaviour, and if true it makes SiriusXM look even worse

Definitely the worst experience I've ever had trying to cancel a subscription.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 9 months ago

I feel this in my soul. My university house had mould on the bathroom ceiling, and one of my roommates was allergic - they went into violent sneezing fits every time the showered.

Our landlords tried everything to avoid addressing it, up to claiming that, "people couldn't be allergic to mould like that."

They only "fixed" it after one of my other roommates threatened to talk to his father who was a lawyer. Their "fix" was to paste over the ceiling with vinyl plates.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) (2 children)

Don't forget every magical staff , necklace, and ring that casts a spell.

Will I ever use Create Water from the Rain Dancer? Probably not, especially with Shadowheart lugging around more than a dozen bottles of water. But what if I really need it?

[–] [email protected] 2 points 10 months ago

I've seen S2E1 so far. It was a bit slow, but at least Egwene and Nynaeve are mostly in the right spot, and Perrin is almost exactly where he's supposed to be (a bit strange considering of the five main characters he was the one with the biggest change to his backstory)

[–] [email protected] 2 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) (3 children)

I'm probably on my own in being a big fan of the books and also liking the first season for the most part. Despite the changes, the world felt recognizably like Randland. I only really hated the last episode.

But that last episode was an absolute trash fire. It wasn't just different, it was wrong. A bunch of characters and story elements are either killed off, not present to begin with, or in the wrong place at the start of the second season.

I'm willing to forgive a lot of that due to the troubles the production had with COVID and the loss of one of the main actors. All that was on top of regular old studio meddling that happens with these things.

My hope then is that the second season will go about trying to correct everything and put all the characters where they are supposed to be at the start of season three, which I'm assuming will align with the third book.

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