[-] [email protected] 12 points 1 month ago

We're currently in the information age, which is due to silicon. In a few hundred years, this time may reasonably be called the silicon age. Society has only recently transferred to the silicon age from the previous iron age. If we don't cause a total collapse of our society, then we will be in the silicon age for a few hundred more years, and that will likely include space colonization.

The space age you're referring to is likely the 60s, when space exploration was beginning. A decade or two isn't long enough to be considered an age.

[-] [email protected] 18 points 1 month ago

That's why we name our ages after the materials within. Material science is the foundation for almost all other physical sciences.

[-] [email protected] 10 points 2 months ago

Yeah, and stop having sex and listening to rock and role.

That's a solution that just isn't going to work. We as a society need to plan for using more and more energy. Therefore, we need to create cleaner and cleaner ways to generate that energy. If solar can be implemented until we scale up fission, that's great. We can then rely on fission for a few hundred years until we get to fusion.

People will complain about the dangers of fission only while they ignore the dangers of fossil fuels and aren't required to use them. As soon as fossil fuels start running out, then fission isn't going to sound so bad. Frankly, it shouldn't sound bad now.

[-] [email protected] 2 points 9 months ago

This is by far the most reasonable and mature conversation I've ever had on the internet. I wasn't even advocating for one side or the other, was honestly just trying to learn more. Thank you for being a good person.

[-] [email protected] 9 points 9 months ago

I agree with you about not supporting anyone who supports rogan, but it looks like he was last on the show in 2018. Is that correct?

I know rogan started ok and then went stupid at some point. Was MKBHD's appearance before or after rogan shit the bed?

[-] [email protected] 23 points 10 months ago

The presumption of innocence is really important because it reduces the chance for abusing the prosecutorial process (of course that does still happen). Prosecutors must show beyond a reasonable doubt that a person is guilty. That's a high bar to clear, but it gets easier when the defendant builds you a staircase.

Every defendant deserves the right to plead guilty, even this criminal.


joined 11 months ago