[-] [email protected] 4 points 1 day ago

Yeah, I know. I’ve made a lot of mistakes in my life, I just roll with it. But I do regret not taking up a lot of the opportunities that I didn’t realize were worthwhile opportunities. I have a tendency to screw myself over, it is what it is. :)

[-] [email protected] 9 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

An older couple who wanted to retire offered to let me take over their cidery, back when I was doing a lot more homebrew.. I declined because I knew nothing about ciders, I’d have needed to relocate, and I was in my last year of college.

Big mistake turning it down, even if I would have needed to relocate. I haven’t been properly stable since.

[-] [email protected] 12 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

Bar down the street has free WiFi and food. So probably there. The library is all the way across town, so not a great option for me.

Or there’s another bar close enough to my house that I could probably make an antenna and leech off that. I did that with on base housing back in the day cuz I didn’t want to pay for internet.

[-] [email protected] 3 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

And here I was using windows in a VM to run rstudio 😪

Times have changed for sure. (Tho I haven’t used rstudio for many years and it may still be unsupported)

[-] [email protected] 2 points 2 days ago

Zomg I totally missed this message, I’m sorry, so I guess this is ME checking in on YOU a couple days later ;)

Sorry to hear the glowing didn’t work but thrilled to hear you had a good sleep anyway. That’s hard to come by sometimes :)

[-] [email protected] 3 points 4 days ago
[-] [email protected] 5 points 4 days ago

Aww that’s super nice of you :) even my friends struggle to…. Not dislike me :) I struggle with it myself but you made it a bit easier today, being very open to things.

It won’t be tonight but I do hope to run into you again. I… can’t reach out to you, it just isn’t a thing I can do at this point (always goes horribly) but if you do want to keep touch, please do feel free to dm me, or whatever that looks like on Lemmy/fediverse..?

Honestly it has not happened, and irl people who give me their contact info tend to do so with zero expectation of follow-up (I have learned through failed attempts to follow up), so idk how to do it or what it looks like.. but I would like to keep contact if you’d be into it.

But if not o hope you have a great night all the same :) no pressure or whatever :) but do think of that mountain stream, maybe throw in glowing trees if you feel adventuresome! I have a whole dream town and it’s so fun to have a place to explore. Give yourself a glowing woods while you can ;)

[-] [email protected] 8 points 4 days ago

Honestly it probably is just right. Whatever the number is it’s seems to be the right number.

Maybe musk would have done better with a coconut tho.. just sayin.

[-] [email protected] 5 points 4 days ago

I appreciate you friend. It’s been a solid while since I drank (which is better for everyone, I’m a fucking mess!) and so I’m kinda very aware of myself. I’m trying to be a better person and I fail every time. So if I limit my exposure surface area I can’t be so abrasive right…? Or something? (Frankly idk what’s wrong with me, but I’m clearly unlikeable so I try to limit my.. exposure surface area I guess? Hence deleting my post. But telling you about it because i want to social..

I hope you have a wonderful night, and sleep wonderfully. I always like to encourage my friends to have soecific thoughts, so if you read this before you go to bed, I hope you fall asleep thinking about a random mountaintop stream leading into a lakebed. I hope you see trees around you, filled with fireflies. You see the lake lapping at your feet with the wind, and bioluminescent glow around your toes.

Have a great night friend and wonderful dreams :)

[-] [email protected] 11 points 4 days ago

That’s a thing, and frankly if we discount coconuts a lot more of the internet is virgin than we care to engage with…..?

If that’s what it takes for greatness, we need more coconut fuckers. I guess….?

Or whatever.

Look don’t quote me on this but smart people are weird as fuck, and a lot of them are super not into normie life..

[-] [email protected] 5 points 4 days ago

I really liked you long winded post.. genuinely.

And I wrote out a really long reply but.. I deleted it. Because it was probably too much trauma to throw at someone I don’t know :) and I really enjoyed what you wrote to me, but I know that I’m “much”, sometimes “a bit much”, sometimes “too much”.. either way I don’t want to lead on that because it never works out for me so.

I really enjoy you friend and I want you to know I read everything you wrote I just don’t have the gonads to actually engage with this the way I want to.

Instead, here’s something that helped me be who I am today (jokingly, old humor you may recognize)


[-] [email protected] 67 points 4 days ago

They say “was a virgin” for a lot of gay men.

Bet his dick was in lots of things, just not a biblical wife.

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