[-] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago

Still working on Diablo 4: Season 4 and Mad Max

[-] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago

Finished F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin and even played the very short DLC Reborn.

I am in love with the Alan Wake 2: Night Springs DLC. Overall it was really short, which is understandable for a free dlc. The stories fit the right tone for the game and for Night Springs à la The Twilight Zone, as well as fitting in with each episode's playable character's backstory. It makes me excited for lore drop that's going to come with The Lakehouse in October.

I got sucked into a conversation with a close friend of mine about Furiosa, and it put me in the mood to replay Mad Max again. I played it earlier this year, but fuck it, I'll play it again because I love it.

[-] [email protected] 2 points 2 weeks ago

I've been working on Diablo 3: Season 31 off and on for a couple months now, and I'm kind of over it. I made it all the way to the Conqueror chapter, but I keep getting repetitive and useless legendary drops, even though I'm on higher Torment levels. I'm at a plateau that I'm just not that interested in crossing. I don't know if it's because the class I picked or the build or what, but I think I'll just call it here until next D3 season. It's like a complete polar opposite of the fun I'm having with Diablo 4's current season (which we finally got pets for!).

I thought Kona 2: Brume would be a separate story than the first that I played a few weeks ago, but nope, it picks up exactly right where the first one left off. Story wise this game is a lot more interesting and linear than the first, even though it goes in some weird directions and still leaves unanswered questions. I did feel like I was actually learning the story as I went along, instead of going until the very end to have it all laid out for me. I did have to look at a walkthrough for one area because there was a ridiculous amount of back and forth over and over for that size of a map that I kept getting confused on where to go and what to do.

spoilers?So many unanswered questions! Like does Carl have radiation poisoning now? If not, how did he avoid it? What was up with the meteor? Why did it make people react the way it did? The scientists couldn't make the blue pieces red, but then it suddenly didn't matter because the core was red? How did the guy turn into a wendigo? Was it because of the meteor, or was Carl just hallucinating him as such? The Cree angle kind of felt pushed aside, it almost feels like the aliens meme.

I felt the need to have a FPS after my recent bout of non-shooter games recently, and I was in the mood for F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin. It's been a couple years since I've replayed this for the thousandth time, and it's still a great time. I absolutely love the entire F.E.A.R. series.

submitted 3 weeks ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Really excited we're getting more content for Alan Wake 2! Not so excited that they're just now offering a physical edition.

[-] [email protected] 4 points 4 weeks ago

I am finally completely finished with We Happy Few, DLCs and all. It was a lot better and more fun that I really thought it would be, especially story-wise. The characters are surprisingly complex and gray while still be likeable. Sally and Ollie's stories were great. They weren't as long as Arthur's, and they didn't have as many side quests (that I could find), but it was still a good time. With differences in encounters between the main characters and going through the same areas, it kind of felt like playing the B story in Resident Evil 2. As for the DLCs, They Came From Below gives the game a fun little sci-fi twist. I liked seeing more of Roger and James. Lightbearer was surprisingly super short, and I wasn't expecting to hear Neil Newbon. We All Fall Down was by far the best DLC. It was pretty heavy, but did wrap up the ultimate fate of Wellington Wells pretty nicely. Also have to add that the music is so fun. I actually sat through the entirety of the credits each time because there were some great jams. Right now I'm dabbling around in Sandbox and Survival mode while I try to figure out what game to play next.

[-] [email protected] 2 points 2 months ago

I think lemmy.world is letting kbin interact with them again. It was on 'read only' about a week ago, where kbin could see stuff being posted from lemmy, but anything being posted or down/upvoted from kbin wasn't going anywhere. But I noticed today that some kbin users were able to successfully post to lemmy again. Though, I don't know if that means the problem is fixed or not.

[-] [email protected] 10 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

kbin (at least kbin.social) has a nice little community, but we're holding on by a thread over there since we've been overrun with spammers and nothing is really being done to combat it. A good chunk of people have jumped ship because of it, but we're still trying to fight where we can.

I made an mbin alt, but I haven't really hung out enough here to get a proper feel of it. Honestly it feels like looking through a window to the rest of the fediverse. If there's any chill mbin (edit) ~~instances~~ magazines, I'd love to know!

Beehaw seems to have the most positive vibes, and I really like that. It seems small, but they're pretty active. I mainly enjoy their gaming community.

I think I interact the most with Lemmy, but that's probably because that's where most active instances are. You'll get a lot more different takes on there than anywhere else, some great, some not so great, but that comes with any site where you bring a bunch of people together.

Of course, these are from my experience and opinion. I'm interested to see others' takes.


joined 3 months ago