[-] [email protected] 13 points 2 months ago

Agree, also confused because Debian seemed to get security updates rather frequently when I've used it.

That's like their whole thing, stable and security updates. I would be curious if there are examples of exploits that weren't patched quickly on Debian stable.

[-] [email protected] 5 points 10 months ago

Just install the DE you want on the distro you want... You aren't limited in your DE by your selected distro, and you can have multiple installed. most of the time you have a drop down when you login that lets you pick your DE.

[-] [email protected] 1 points 10 months ago

I should look into how to do the rollbacks, I've noticed it doing snapshots but haven't needed to do that yet. Still should know before I do need it.

My worst problem so far was dual booting to Debian and having the efi entry for Garuda disappear and then not being able to get back easily without modifying debian's grub. Not fixable with snapshots but still simple enough for me to fix.

[-] [email protected] 7 points 10 months ago

I've used arch for 7-8 years. I'm currently using Garuda for gaming, on year 2 or 3.

My recommendation is that if arch is working for you just fine, then don't bother switching. I only switched because I had a breakage and it seemed time to switch (only 2 significant breakages in those 7or 8 years)

If you hadn't started with arch I would in fact recommend Garuda first because the initial setup is much more hands free, start it and install stuff and it just works. Also Garuda comes preconfigured with an AUR setup and installers for that and for the glorious egg roll proton.

That is all crap you can simply set up yourself on arch, so there's no need for you to switch, if you're fine with the arch and slightly more manual configuration then you're all set with arch and have no real reason to change that.


joined 1 year ago