
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 19 points 2 days ago (1 children)

I actually agree, that could be pretty fun. That said this puts a lot of work / pressure on the DM so it is definitely something to be discussed rather than used to be lazy. (To be clear, I am not reading this into what you said. Just saying it out loud is all)

[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 months ago

I don't think it being hard is really the issue. Sony is a billion dollar multi-national corporation and they don't get any benefit of the doubt whatsoever. Is it hard? Maybe it is, but maybe they should have thought of what they were going to do in the future when they were designing this. As was pointed out elsewhere, volunteers making an open source emulator are managing it so Sony not wanting to, or being unable to, isn't an excuse.

[–] [email protected] 13 points 5 months ago

A Gnome Artificer who was mute. It was interesting to use only visual langauge to communicate with people. I had a "system" where I could use the magic items / features you get from Gnome and Artificer to talk if I decided I really needed to, but I tried to limit that both for in universe reasons, and meta reasons. Kinda defeats the purpose if you can just magic your way out of it. The idea was that she was cursed by a fey creature, and could cheat a little bit with magic, but eventually the curse would hurt too much to talk more than a little. Eventually I started to feel like the trope of Nynaeve from The Wheel of Time, only replace hair pulling with glares and knowing smiles etc.