
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 8 points 9 months ago

opting for the hard copy

I'm in the middle, downloading lossless music to put on my iPod.

[–] [email protected] 14 points 9 months ago

Any new tech that emerges should be viewed as either "How will they use it to scrape all my data?" or "How will they sell this to the military?"

Or both.

[–] [email protected] 12 points 10 months ago

Yeah, fuck this guy. I like Anti-Flag, and Justin did some really good acoustic stuff a few years back, but I guess they’re now added to the pile of music I won’t listen to any more.

It’s a shame for the other guys, but their response was solid.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 10 months ago

In theory, any MP3 player / DAP that can have music loaded onto it by drag and drop could work with your iPad (assuming you have the means to connect it, of course).

But there are a number of things to consider.

Firstly; storage. Obviously, your iPad doesn't have expandable storage, so depending on the size of your collection, you might run out of space. Using the same method you'll need to connect the player to your iPad, you can hook up an external drive of some description. Files should be able to see it (as long as it's formatted to exFAT or FAT). From there, using Files you can simply drag from one place to another.

However, this doesn't allow you to change metadata or anything. There are apps you can download that will allow you to do it, but it can be a pain in the ass if you've got quite a bit of music.

Finally, there's where you get the music from.

If you buy from somewhere like Bandcamp, then you can download directly to your iPad, though they don't make it easy. You can't buy from iTunes because the app won't let you open them in Files. Torrents are obviously out, so is CD ripping, as there are no CD drivers for iPad that I'm aware of.

So while it's entirely possible to run a DAP with just an iPad, it's kind of a pain in the arse, unless you already have a ready supply of music and it's either already tagged well, or you don't really care about that sort of thing. As others have suggested, it might be just as easy for you to pick up a cheap PC. It doesn't need to have any bells and whistles, just the ability to store music and have some way of managing the library.

[–] [email protected] 15 points 10 months ago (2 children)

But a million people haven’t done that with an iPad, because until now no iPad was able to receive video input. That’s the point of the article.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 10 months ago (1 children)

Can it run Doom?


This is magnificent.


Morning Champions, and welcome to another week!

What's floating your boat right now?

For me, having spent a massive chunk of yesterday sat in the sunshine in the garden playing No Man's Sky, I'm rocking the 65daysofstatic soundtrack.

I've been a huge fan of this band for a good number of years now, but kinda missed this when it came along, because I wasn't then able to play the game for whatever reason. There was a part of my brain that told me that there was no point listening, as I'd be missing much of the context, which turns out to be a load of bollocks. It's a great record on its own terms.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 10 months ago (2 children)

I inherited my Nan's Dyson DC25 when she went to live in a care home. Used it a few times and it was fine, but figured I'd strip it down and give it a damn good clean out.

The fucking thing damn near sucked up my carpet.

It's still going strong now. Had to replace the little nubbin that drives the brush bar a few weeks ago, but other than that it's still solid. Not bad for a 15 year old vacuum cleaner made to modern standards.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 10 months ago

I once saw the two eras of Genesis referred to as Boring Genesis and Shit Genesis, and I was never able to fully disagree.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 10 months ago

This is by far and away my favourite of The Cure's, so I was absolutely made up when they started playing it that night.

Thanks for posting!


Three years ago my wife and I got three pet rats. A little over a year later, we added two more, and for a brief moment had a lovely little mischief of five happy boys.

Then we lost one of the new babies in a freak accident after he got injured during a scrap, then, a few months after that, the first of the original trio left us, and so on, and so on, until today, when the last of the new babies, who was now just over two, passed away.

And as much as I try to focus on the happy times, watching them boing about on the sofa, or stealing snacks from us, or just snuggling inside the hood of my jumper and falling asleep, it’s really hard to reconcile that with their short little lives.

We recently adopted a pair of 6yo cats, and while they could feasibly spend the next 10/15 years with us, there’s always that nagging doubt that they’ll suddenly develop an incurable illness, and we’ll lose them too soon.

But that’s all kinda worth it when they’re asleep on your lap, purring away. Or in the case of the ratties, boggling and bruxing.

Sorry if this is a bit maudlin; I’ve just buried Wilbur in the garden, and I miss my little toast-stealing friend.


[–] [email protected] 13 points 10 months ago (3 children)
[–] [email protected] 19 points 10 months ago (5 children)

No, it hasn't.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 10 months ago (2 children)

Parts of the US struggle to offer an adequate level of rights to its human residents.

submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Thought I'd see if there were any likeminded individuals around.

This is three of my small collection that I have with me at work. The 4G Classic (left) is modded with 64gb, the Mini is 128gb, and the 7G Classic is currently in need of storage and battery. My plan for that one is to give it 512gb and as big a battery as I can squeeze in there.


Had a hankering to listen to this yesterday, and have probably spun it a dozen times since then. It's an utter, utter belter.


Any day when I don't have to use my AK is a good day.


Morning Champions!

Here's our weekly music thread. What are you obsessing over this week? What's new on your horizon?

Drop some links and share the love.


Like, the only reason countries exist is because some rich guys decided that they ruled this chunk of land, and everyone else just kinda said "Yeah, whatever, I don't really give a shit, just let me farm and leave me the fuck alone".

Then the rich guy on the next bit of land said "I want a bit of what he's got going on", and before we knew it, all the bits of land were ruled by people who's only claim to them was that they were the first to have the idea.

Fast forward a few thousand years, and some of the bits of land are ruled by people who wear gold hats and spout a load of bollocks about divine right, while some of the bits of land are ruled by people who convinced the rest of the people to let them do it, and really, there's no difference between, like, France and Spain, but some old dudes drew a line and said "Nah, that bit speaks this version of a language, and that bit speaks another version of it".

You ever think about that?


Which is something I'm quite surprised I'm saying, because for how perfect the first two records are, every release since has felt less relevant to me than the previous.

Unsurprisingly, But Here We Are is an emotional ride, and perhaps it's because I'm kinda tired and emotional today, but the closing track, 'Rest' has got me sitting at work, just wanting to have a little cry under my desk.


Thought I'd see who's about and whether we could get a thread going on music recommendations from what we're jamming today.

I started off with The Presidents - Dune Buggy as an ear worm, which was very much agreeable.

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