
joined 11 months ago
[–] [email protected] 4 points 9 months ago
[–] [email protected] 2 points 9 months ago (3 children)

Aurora store doesn't even work anymore... Btw you can pay using the web interface too? Do we need play billing API?

[–] [email protected] 2 points 9 months ago (4 children)

Their open soruce only has skiff mail, what about the otther products?

[–] [email protected] 2 points 9 months ago (6 children)

I hope they at least are doing the E2EE thing.. Last thing I want is to know that they could in fact read the decrypted data...

Are they open source?

[–] [email protected] 3 points 9 months ago (1 children)

What is Metager?


I've been using skiff. com for sometime, as they claim to be a fully privacy preserving app suite like GApps or proton. One thing I like is they provide 10GB storage even for free accounts, where proton eventhough much bigger provides only 500MB.

But that got me wondering... Are they trustworthy as proton? Is there a chanve they end up being a honeypot? Does data actually gets encrypted before sending to the servers in a trustworthy way?

[–] [email protected] 1 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

What about simplex? It looks like it uses random message queues for each connection (contact) and once deleted from devices then it doesn't look likethere is any solid way of identifying if a connection existed...

(NB: simplex don't have an account for a user in their cloud at all because of how it works so recovery is impossible without latest backups, so that's a no go for me)

[–] [email protected] 1 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) (2 children)

I wasn't able to find technical details regarding the metadata, and was a bit worried about it..

Lile do they know who I message the most, or how much I message them? Is deniability of contact/messages possible?


Basically title. Looks like wire is now heavily being targeted towards corporates. In a corporate environment you don't need too much privacy, so I was wondering...

Is wire messenger private in 2023?

Where does it stands in the current stack among WhatsApp, signal, simplex etc..?

Exactly how much data is being collected?

[–] [email protected] 1 points 10 months ago

I am not an american

And about that yacht, I can't get enough wealth to buy superyacht unless 1) I provide some product/service that LOT of people buy or 2) I did some major heist. We can all agree to put the 2) in jail.

The "luxury" I was talking about is not "yacht", but more like the mobile/PC you use. Certainly you don't need a mobile or PC to live, but would you not buy a mobile and instead donate all your money to the homeless? I don't think so.

In an ideal capitalist society, there will be a lot of competition in the market, all trying to get a market share. Therefore there will be lot of models of mobile and the buyers can choose exactoy what they want. In a socialist society, there will either be no mobiles, or one model.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 10 months ago (2 children)

Do I need all those niche products provided by those businesses?

You might not, but there are people who might want, and in a free country their needs are needs too.

I am quite sure our ancestors survived pretty well without businesses, rewards, incentives, cosumerism or capitalism

You suggesting we need to leave technology and luxury behind? Again you can but there are people who might want them

And demand creates incentive which creates innovation.

[–] [email protected] -3 points 10 months ago (4 children)

the rich poor disparity problem is unsolvable unless the solution is total control of the market and complete socialism.

Because for example I wanna take the risk and invest my money to start a buisness only if I can get a equally rewarding return in profit. Why else should I take that much risk and effort? It's not like already established buisnesses starting a new one from scratch is incredibly risky until and if it grows big enough.

So in any economy where there won't be having the incentive, no one will care enough to start any buisness. That makes it the govt's job to literally run all the buisnesses to make every single product for every niche community, whetger it's essential, luxury, hobbyist etc. And the govt can only manage so much. This is why socialist economy crumble in comparison to capitalist ones. Because in capitalist economy you MAY be rewarded for taking the risk, so people come up with all sorts of innovative stuff to become big. The downside, some of them become so successful that they become too big.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 10 months ago (1 children)

are you chinese?


We are starting to see for quite some time big tech trying to get the internet under their control. We have seen half of the internet starting to block proxies. Tor is not usable in the normal internet anymore. More and more services require a government issued id for their account.

And now Google went ahead and did the final blow by announcing WEI. If that gets integrated on all popular sites, there will be no more open web. We try to fight back as much as we can, but the bitter truth is most people are already 'good little pets' of these giants.

Most of the people, are not just okay, but want these big brothers to handle everything for them. They want to get their finances, entertainment, social medias, government services all done for them by these giants without them even knowing. They are ready to live as big brother says. Half of them already don't have individual opinions.

Although the fight still continues, It's time to think about plan B. What if most of internet is blocked for us privacy conscious people? We need alternatives. It's time to build an ecosystem that we people can use without the help of popular services. There are already a lot of softwares, but we need to fill the gaps fast. We need an open hardware, accessible and a fully open software stack including everyday apps for most of our needs and entertainments. On PC it's almost there. Mobile terribly lacks in the lowest levels, but have some apps that can help.


For PC, we can still install linux on most devices, so linux. For browsing, we can use firefox or any forks of that. Proton and skiff are good alternatives for basic email, storage etc. For social media we have federated systems like lemmy, services like odysee, mewe etc. Share services that you think should be in this list


For mobile, we miss variety in hardware section. One option might be pinephone or other linux phones. Other option might ironically be Pixel. For OS, we can use graph eneOS, cal yx OS, linux based OS etc. But setting it up is currently very hard. For browsing, firefox for android is good (I use it) which also has extensions support. Above mentioned services like proton, skiff, lemmy, odysee, mewe etc. has android apps. For IM we have briar, Session, simpleX etc. Share services that you think should be in this list

Help me document a full recommended ecosystem. Maybe we can have a recommended guide. Maybe there are better options. Discuss.

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