[-] [email protected] 6 points 8 hours ago

Those are like K or L cups lol.

[-] [email protected] 18 points 8 hours ago

Tit loans please.

Can I loan a pair of DD's for a few weeks. I'd like to see how they suit me.

[-] [email protected] 1 points 3 days ago

Yes, abusing drugs of other classes can cause depression too.

Who ever argued it didn't?

A depressant, when not abused, relieves symptons of depression (and even when abused, often relieves them upon intake).

It also relieves those symptoms despite being abused.

on drug abuse and addictiveness are incredibly flawed in the first place. That doesn't make your anecdotal experience from a drug ward

I literally emphasised how anecdotal experiences aren't evidence enough, which is WHY I LINKED ACTUAL PEER REVIEWED DATA.

My point is not that CNS depressants don't cause depression from abuse, but that it's just a result of abusing drugs, not the fact that they're a depressant class drug.

And you're wrong. First off, research the difference between the terms "addiction" and "dependence", and then read the science I just linked in my previous reply.

You're willfully ignorant, pretending you understand a subject you're barely conversant in. (Why do people feel the need to do this online?)

I used the analogy, because it's literally how the depression causing part of downers caused psychological depression; by long-term CNS depression.

That's why alcoholism is so strongly linked to depression. Just like benzo abuse and opioid abuse, but unlike meth, speed and other stims, which tend to cause mania.

(I feel like I'm repeating myself here. Probably because I am, and you just keep ignoring the actual science, because it proves you wrong and you're not man enough to admit to having not understood something perfectly.)






[-] [email protected] 20 points 3 days ago

"Hi, I'm Gabe"

[-] [email protected] 1 points 3 days ago

Isn't linked?

That's just wrong. Correlation is a link. The long term high dose use of any CNS depressant correlates with actual depression (the psychological issue [I added the brackets because you seemed to miss when I specified the difference earlier.])

Oh wow, an anecdotal story, well that just proves what you're saying is 100% correct.

Science couldn't possibly disagree

"Pure" psychedelics like LSD and psilocybin rarely cause any sort of abuse, really, but I've been on a drug abuse closed ward and the manic people were generally in there because of CNS stimulants of all sorts. Psychedelics are just less likely to yield any long-lasting harmful effects compared to say smoking crack or snorting meth.

So yeah, while a CNS depressant isn't the a thing that directly causes psychological depression as such, you can probably see how they're linked from the following analogy; imagine that I tie your legs together. That doesn't remove your ability to walk, per se, as long as you remove the restraints. But if no-one removes them for 50 years, do you think you'd walk as well as before?

In much the same way, yes, CNS depressants are linked to depression, and alcohol and benzos are the clearest examples.



[-] [email protected] 3 points 4 days ago

Abuse of any psychoactive drug on the regular leads to depression.

That's a biased generalisation.

While abusers of psychedelics are rare, they're generally manic and psychotic moreso than depressed.

Yes, depression can be caused by any addiction and abusing stims can cause a lack of neurotransmitter due to exhausting the resources for the body to do so.

It's a bit different than using something that's a direct depressant though.

[-] [email protected] 5 points 4 days ago

Alcohol is a depressant my man.

Neurologically speaking, so in a different context, yeah, but neurological depression also seems to lead to actual depression, the mood disorder, which also show up as neurological depression.

We really need better imaging tools to measure neurotransmitter activity, would make for several advancements I'd say

[-] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

So a magical but injured life is possible, but a magical but non-injured one isn't?

Cool. Cruel, but cool.

[-] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago

I don't think you understand how posting hypotheticals on forums works; they get elaborated and "tested" by asking questions or positing premises. Thought experiments, as you seem to be aware of the term at least.

OP used the word exactly.

That means you have exact knowledge of it.

Of course having exact foreknowledge of such a thing would affect your life. Would that effect then affect the thing being the exact time and date? If not, then it's utter gibberish, because by telling you about it, they've already changed history and thus it won't apply anymore.

If however it won't affect it, then you've gained immortality. You could play Russian roulette as much as you want and never have to fear dying. You can perhaps argue that maybe you survive a shot, but how would that be possible from a large calibre revolver aimed directly at the brainstem?

[-] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago

Paralysed from the neck down.

Then how am I gonna run the marathon?

So you're saying you have no free will whatsoever, but despite whatever happens, the prophecy will be true?

That I could never drive an older car pretty much, because it's easy to kill yourself with one. Much less a motorbike without a helmet.

I can never hold anything sharp which could cut the jugular. Couldn't manage to go swimming, because diving deep and inhaling would somehow have to fail?

Either the prediction is bullshit, oooor it gives you magical plot armor (unless it's extremely vague, but that goes against OP's description),

[-] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago

C4 is the easiest for this example. I can definitely manage explosives. You can rather easily make things which blow up.

Let's make this easier then, I go to the woods and set up a huge fucking boulder on an elaborate pulley system (don't worry about me finding them, I live in Finland were boulders and rocky surfaces are a plenty. My cousins actually operate a gravel business, so they have lots of proper gear for breaking rocks into smaller rocks, and vehicles to do those things with. So let's say there's a pit. I lay a ton of harsh gravel on the bottom of it, a proper few meter layer. Then I take a loader full of massive boulders. And another. And a third one. Place them around the pit. Place myself in the pit, and remotely activate the loaders to drop all those boulders on me. Oh and I didn't mention, but I put a bed in the pit with me. It's a bed of extremely sharp knives, covered by a thin cardboard so I don't get stabbed if I easy myself onto it. On top of that, there' another bed, upside down, also loaded with insanely sharp swords. All of the boulders will fall into the pit, crushing the bed system, which stabs and slices me into pieces while the boulders to the rest of the work. (The bed frames are soft enough so that they can hold knives, but will be utterly deformed by the boulders so they won't stay in the way.

Then I've also paid for a crazy cousin to empty both barrels of a shotgun to my face with a full metal slug right as the stones start dropping.

But... I'll survive?

[-] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago

And what happens if you buy a literal ton of C4, cover yourself in the pile and detonate?

I have to survive somehow, right?

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