[-] [email protected] 5 points 11 months ago

I didn't think I'd watch the whole video but wow, the level of incompetence was just unrivaled. Komchatka was captained by Mr. Bean confirmed.

[-] [email protected] 28 points 11 months ago

and he was a fair bit of a regular.

That's the wildest part to me. You'd think if you're into that kind of stuff you'd learn to repair your own equipment that hosts some of the most illegal content one could possess.

[-] [email protected] 39 points 11 months ago

Somewhere I have a picture of it saved, but as a Sys Admin for an office one person had so much dead skin piled on their mouse I gagged. It formed the shape of their fingers on the buttons and the dead skin was, not exaggerating, like 4-5 millimeters thick of caked-on yellow disgustingness. Mind you, we provide new mice for people to use in the office for any reason, they just need to let us know and ask. There was no reason for this other than the person just being a Nurgle initiate or some shit. People are gross.

[-] [email protected] 2 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

I don't mind! In fact, here's way more info than you asked for!

Portland has it's problems, no doubt. But in comparison to the south? It's not even close, you couldn't pay me to move back (and my job tried lol). The weather is more mild, the people more friendly and the culture more inclusive. The food scene is crazy, so much variety and fusions you've never heard of. Afters years I'm still discovering new eateries to try and pretty much every place has veggie/vegan options if you're into that. Super walkable with awesome public transit (for an American city) that makes it great to get around for real cheap. Hiking trails on hiking trails with lots of bike infrastructure. So many fun shows come to town all the time and the local artists are their own brand of amazing weirdness. Also weird subcultures. I'm going to the Mondo Croquet World Championships this Sunday where you play croquet with bowling balls and sledgehammers. Takes place in Portland every year for 26 years and I just learned about it two days ago lol

Now the bad. There's some sketchiness with some of the houseless encampments around town, but the majority are just people trying to get by. Don't berate or antagonize them and you'll be fine. I was just walking in Old Town the other week with a friend, this is often described as the most dangerous part of the city, and it was fine. A houseless person who was talking to himself saw my Mars Attacks shirt there, smiled real big, and then yelled "ack ack ack ack ack!" So I smiled back and gave him a nod, he was satisfied with the exchange and went on his way. Which is honestly how it goes most of the time. Most houseless people I talk to are just thankful I talk to them at all and don't ignore them. One dude showed me his sweet rock collection on the train, he was stoked to share with someone and they were some pretty sweet rocks tbh. I know anecdotes don't directly translate to data but for what it's worth that's been everybody's experience I've spoken to that I can confirm actually lives here. If you go to the Portland subreddit for instance you'll see a lot of claims being made but then dig into the profiles to find they don't actually live here.

Our police department is the worst. I know everyone says that, but like, Portland Police might actually be the worst. They're on an unofficial soft strike right now and have been since the George Floyd Protests and only respond to the most urgent of urgent calls. Then wonder why everyone hates them and wants to slash their budget. I could go on for a while there but I won't. Portland cops suck, real hard.

Housing and rent sucks, but so does everywhere else. So, meh. Although with Oregon rent control I've been able to renew my lease and have pretty close to what I was paying in rent five years ago because we haven't moved.

I didn't meant to type a wall of text, but that's a very summarized run down of what to expect. I tried to be completely honest because it's not a perfect city, but I couldn't imagine living anywhere else at this point.

with it being such a target for conservative media.

It's kind of a blessing in disguise because it largely keeps conservative people from moving here so it's mostly really cool/chill people that move here instead lol

[-] [email protected] 10 points 11 months ago

My mom who I haven't seen in like six years is coming to stay with me for a little under a week. She hasn't seen me in person since I transitioned but is supportive despite her conservative leanings. She's also visiting me in here in Portland from where she lives in Texas so there's a double layer of "everything is okay, the city is not on fire" plus all the new trans stuff she's going to be asking about. So it'll be a week of doing my best to be an LGBTQ encyclopedia and Portland advocate while catching up with my mom. It should be okay, but it's going to be stressful 🥲

[-] [email protected] 1 points 11 months ago

It was just another link aggregation site like Reddit, you didn't miss too much tbh

[-] [email protected] 1 points 11 months ago

Absolutely agree, I don't think they should be able to pull out like they did here. I could possibly see it if it was an extreme case of hoarding with an open flame and tons of flammable material or something like that, but there's nothing to suggest that's the case so the insurance company is in the wrong still. I was more referring to the use of the drone tech itself since this is the tech community.

[-] [email protected] 0 points 11 months ago

Yeah, when Digg did the dumb thing all those years ago Reddit didn't start eclipsing it for another two or three years. This feels very similar to that time tbh. Lemmy will get there, but I imagine it'll take longer due to its fragmented nature scaring some non-techies so I'd guess four years and we'll see numbers to rival Reddit. If you care about that, I kind of like the smaller communities, honestly.

Too bad there's not a RemindMe Bot on Lemmy yet, this would be perfect for that lol

[-] [email protected] 0 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

I get it, my sister got bugs in her home before from a hoarder neighbor and I've known somebody who had to move due to a fire caused by a different hoarder so I understand why they'd want/need to do this. But I feel like this falls under the inspection notification laws, at least my state has it where they need to inform you 24 hours before any inspection. So they should've sent out a notification 24 hours before flying the drone over and it would've been fine IMO. I'm not saying this guy was a hoarder either though, the insurance company wouldn't release their photos so we can't say if that's actually the case one way or the other. But I'm fine with them using drones tbh.

[-] [email protected] 1 points 11 months ago

I want Star Citizen... The Star Citizen that was promised in the Kickstarter... Still waiting.

[-] [email protected] 1 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

Man everything is political ~~these days~~

Always has been.

[-] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

It's just evokes a feeling of deep comfort for me. The Hobbit was the first novel I read by myself as a kid, was so proud to finish it haha

Ever since, returning to The Shire and Arda brings out that same feeling of a warm childhood home.

Makes it easy to go back for a visit every year 😄

This Week in Africa (thisweekinafrica.substack.com)
submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

This is a great newsletter I ran across for keeping up to date on what's going on in Africa, it has lots of links throughout to other sources as well.

Does anybody know of similar newsletters or publications for other areas of the world? Most of my news feed is centered around the US and Europe but I'd love to get more news about what's going on in other areas of the world.

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