
joined 7 months ago
[–] [email protected] 15 points 2 months ago (4 children)

This right here is why:

Planes, cars, jacuzzi, Thai massages, 3d movies. Morning weed smoking in a pool to the sounds of birds. Two clicks away from ordering anything possible to your doorstep

I never had to work even tbh. I mean I did some because it was like an adventure with a friend.

Yours is by no means the average experience. Most of your first quote there is not within the means of the average American (except for ordering cheap stuff from Amazon made in Chinese sweatshops and maybe one or two massages or similar splurges a year).

The average American works 50 hours a week between 2 to 4 jobs. Wealth inequality in 2020 was considered equal to that of France during the years just before the French Revolution, where the price of a loaf of bread reached the cost of a day's salary for the average worker, and it has gotten worse since then. A new car and 70% of houses are considered unaffordable to the average American (up from roughly 40% of houses in 2019). Car prices (both used and new cars) alone jumped 30% between November of last year and January of this year. The number of adult children living with their parents has doubled since 2015. The leading cause of death in the US is preventable diseases because the majority of people can't afford to go see a doctor, nor do most have sick days. Life expectancy in the US is actually declining if you make less than a six figure salary, and the national life expectancy is currently equal to the area of the UK with the lowest life expectancy. When adjusted for inflation, the pay of the average worker has gone up about 5-8% since the 70s, while CEO compensation has gone up 300x. The average American has less than $600 in their bank account. The list goes on and on. Worker safety regulations are being axed, as are minority rights and environmental regulations, and the price of a taco at Taco Bell has doubled since the 90s when adjusted for inflation. from the big stuff to the little stuff, things have gotten demonstrably worse since the 60s and the trend isn't slowing down.

Another big part of it that I saw somebody describe really well is climate change vs the Cold War and how that affects the mentality of Boomers vs Millennials and younger. Basically, growing up under the threat of nuclear war meant that any day could be your last, so you might as well ignore it and keep doing the same old thing, whereas climate change is an ongoing catastrophe that only gets worse the longer we ignore it. So you have the people in power who want to ignore everything and keep on doing the stuff that makes them money (and makes the problem worse), while the younger generations are watching the train come barreling down the tracks at us and begging the old folks to just get off the tracks because they can't do anything about it themselves.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 months ago (1 children)

Mobile games have basically always been like that. It's practically Shovelware: The Industry. They're cheap and quick to make compared to other games and mtx make crazy money, so they're basically the equivalent of those cheap Chinese clothing brands that pop up out of nowhere for a month on Amazon and then change names to something like Zivaldie.

[–] [email protected] 23 points 2 months ago (2 children)

Ah yes, "the sun is a deadly laser" face.

[–] [email protected] 9 points 3 months ago (2 children)

They fill a similar niche in the food chain as most cats (smaller, non-apex solitary predator).

For the opposite, see hyenas - pack animals that fill a role similar to coyotes but are more closely related to cats than dogs. Dog software running on cat hardware. The same could probably be said of lions, as apex pack hunters like wolves.

[–] [email protected] 13 points 3 months ago (1 children)

I love how this 11 year old post still makes its rounds every year.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 4 months ago (1 children)

Right, because the massacre of Ughir in China, genocide of Palestinians in Gaza, and attempted genocide of rural Burmese in Myanmar are all such good things. I also remember hearing that North Korea has finally locked down to the point where escape has been deemed impossible, and I don't know what's happening in South America or Africa currently, but I'm sure it isn't all sunshine and roses there too. Oh yeah, isn't South Korea having major societal issues right now as well? Something to do with women's rights, if I remember correctly?

[–] [email protected] 2 points 5 months ago

This is brilliant for them. They basically take the elevator pitches from the concept phase of design and toss them at players to see what sticks. Don't even have to get to the point of a vertical slice to playtest, just a conceptual animation of gameplay.

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