
joined 2 months ago
[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 days ago

Clevis and Tang but even that can only really do so much.

Just encrypt storage on-site

[–] [email protected] 12 points 5 days ago

Install Gentoo on her MacBook

[–] [email protected] 2 points 6 days ago
[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 week ago (2 children)

Would you know where I can find a guide to load balance I2P routers?

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Thank you, this is very helpful. I'll read

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 week ago (3 children)

Thank you, where can I read a guide on this?

Does Qbittorent support I2P natively? If so, I can probably run it on my seedbox. Never tried it before

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

A lot many individuals run TOR exit nodes, but I never hear about people running their own I2P outproxies. Is it really hard to host, or is there some other reason? I thought that if you could run a TOR exit node I'd think you'd be just fine running an I2P outproxy.

Running more outproxies will help in bridging torrents from the clearnet to I2P, which would be a very good move considering the crackdowns on torrents right now. Companies even want to involve civilians into their lawsuits in Sweden now, making the need for privacy/anonymity even more important when torrenting, which I2P provides.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 week ago

Alright we should use that then

[–] [email protected] 14 points 1 week ago (9 children)

I thought AGPL was the more restrictive version of GPL? Which license should we use so that corporates need to pay?

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 week ago (1 children)

You must be LTT's chaperone

[–] [email protected] 44 points 1 week ago (14 children)

Everything needs to be slapped with the AGPL. Fuck corporate America

[–] [email protected] 20 points 2 weeks ago

Gentoo is the epitome of RTFM. It is beyond the Arch install in "complexity".


Every now and then I'll get an email from someone higher up in Wikipedia asking for a donation. I don't really mind a tenner but I don't know if it pads the pockets of corporate management or actual contributors. Also, are they really short of money or is this tugging at emotional strings a play at something else? I wish Wikipedia survives but there's a lot of projects I need to donate to and I have a budget.


The title is really vague, so I'll try to clarify my intentions here:

I am an ardent supporter of FOSS. It will be greatly beneficial for my life and especially my privacy to self-host such software. Yet, I cannot find much motivation to do so.

However, when it comes to hosting software for public use, I can usually give my utmost concentration and dedication.

This is not how I want my life to be. I want to be motivated for myself as well as for the community. And if that's not possible, I need to trick my brain into bringing me into that kind of zone for myself.

What do I do? What would you do in this situation?


Hi everyone,

This is my CONTAINERFILE for Bind9:

FROM debian


# Update and upgrade system
RUN apt-get update -y && apt-get upgrade -y && apt-get dist-upgrade -y

# Install BIND 9 and sudo (for debugging if needed)
RUN apt-get install -y bind9 bind9-dnsutils bind9-libs bind9-utils sudo

# Configure permissions for BIND directories
RUN mkdir -p /var/cache/bind /var/lib/bind /var/log/bind
RUN chown -R bind:bind /var/cache/bind /var/lib/bind /var/log/bind
RUN chmod 664 /var/cache/bind /var/lib/bind /var/log/bind
RUN chmod -R 664 /var/cache/bind /var/lib/bind /var/log/bind

# Create and configure log files
RUN touch /var/log/bind/default.log /var/log/bind/update_debug.log /var/log/bind/security_info.log /var/log/bind/bind.log
RUN chown -R bind:bind /var/log/bind
RUN chmod 644 /var/log/bind/*.log

# Define volumes
VOLUME ["/etc/bind", "/var/cache/bind", "/var/lib/bind", "/var/log/bind"]

# Set the entrypoint to the named executable
ENTRYPOINT ["/usr/sbin/named"]

# Set the default command arguments for the named executable
CMD ["-g"]

I keep getting this error when I run it with podman:

26-Jul-2024 03:18:21.328 loading configuration from '/etc/bind/named.conf'
26-Jul-2024 03:18:21.328 directory '/var/cache/bind' is not writable
26-Jul-2024 03:18:21.332 /etc/bind/named.conf.options:2: parsing failed: permission denied

As you can see from the CONTAINERFILE, the bind user should be able to read and write to /var/cache/bind but for some reason it doesn't.

I have been at this for a while and I'm at my wits end. Your help is appreciated!

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