
joined 1 month ago

Mine is the volume of their voice. If all that they can do is just talk too loudly with no reason for it and don't control the volume of their voice. That to me is a sign that you're a stupid fuck. Because people think the louder they are, the more righteous and attention seeking they are. Than it is to just listen, digest and respond accordingly to anyone talking around you.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 weeks ago

Hitler is the kind of person you'd revive, kill again and revive to kill again until he hits the number of holocaust victims. No one single solitary death is sufficient enough.

That goes for any other leader that has allowed their citizens to die or even allowed their soldiers to die recklessly.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 weeks ago

I'll give you the worse ones, primarily to ward you off from them.

AskReddit - Sometimes you'll get some thought-provoking questions. But a lot of the time, you'll find heaps of over redundant questions, all spread by just minutes to hours apart. A lot of questions I've noticed recently, are people so quick to karma farm that they'll misspell their questions and just go for low-hanging fruit kinds. And then there'll be questions that are sex-driven, ragebaiting and softly bordering around racism/sexism.

r/TooAfraidToAsk - Another cesspool of questions where people ask WAY too many sex-based ones and stupid plain questions that a simple 5 minute google search would take to answer. People love asking troll bait questions there.

Quora - It can't stop nagging you to give them your info if you try reading answers on any question. It's like AskReddit but 24/7 and the quality is a little above. But more or less, you'll find yourself in the same jam.


Mine is Henry Ford. He's the catalyst of the 40 hour work week and 5 days a week that has been standard to the present day. Because we're seeing now how little that really does for anyone anymore, where people are having to sacrifice more of their freedom to work second jobs or more hours than they should.

I don't think it's his fault directly for those reasons, but him thinking the 40 hour/5 day a week plan is a good one is just a poor reading into the future with the way it's gone since the establishment.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 weeks ago

Best - Reeses

Worst - Licorice/Twizzlers

[–] [email protected] 8 points 2 weeks ago

It took me 8 full months, of tolerating a tenant's loud vibrating music before I started calling police. Like, I don't mind the kind of music where you can faintly hear it because it can be ignored. No, this fucker's entitlement had the audacity to blare his shit so that not only can you hear it completely but also feel it. It was an absolute violation of the lease agreement to not have sound systems, yet here's this fucker.

I call the police on him and they told him to cut it out. I go to my sliding door by the balcony and saw like several people pour out from there. All complaining about how they had to be told to keep the peace because again, entitled assholes be entitled assholes.

Since then, though, I've had to call the police on him again because he would sometimes think he's crafty by doing that shit during days where management is closed. Like, dude, fuck you and your music.


Mine is video games. Like, I've sworn to myself that I was going to cling to that until at least 10 or 15 years while I still have the cognitive ability to play them. But it's mid-30s and they say the 30s is generally where your love for video games go to die unless you're in the industry or having some working part involving games.

I'm having a harder time picking up a controller and getting excited for any game. I know I'm isolated by choice which is part of the problem, but, I can't even get that worked up for nostalgic games that I grew up with.


For example, I sometimes will listen to sports radio in my vehicle. I don't particularly care for the hosts or what they're going on about. But I listen to them anyways when my mind doesn't want to listen to the music on the ipod.

I like sports, but I just find all formats of sports talk boring and dragged out. But it's something sometimes that I'll turn to, to make me feel like as if I'm with everyone else when I know I don't care.

Another example is when I watch late night shows, like Letterman's or Conan's. I know the scene is different now with Fallon and Kimmel and all. Whenever I watch a single clip or an episode of them, it feels like I'm just getting into the window of what's going on in the world that's being covered while I spend way too much time ignoring the world in general.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 weeks ago

Did you not see the score for my original comment? 43 unanswered downvotes. How can you sit there and tell me that there's going to be an open and civil discussion that'll come from with that? I've already had a few people throw the stone with their illogical commentary about what I've pictured with their frail attempts to defend their favorite browser.

And I got all of that, just from stating the original comment I said prior to the edit. But the 'go to hell' part was not the original comment.

So before more people jump down my neck about being civil, you ought to know what other people float about that go about antagonizing users or expecting negativity to come their way before they cry out to admins and mods, for something they gaslighted to!

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

Tell the assholes to keep it friendly themselves. I'm talking the fanboys. They who can't handle differing opinions have no place in open discussion on any platform. Period.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 weeks ago

This makes about as much sense as when Facebook tried prioritizing Oculus to be a way to browse the internet.

...There's just no point in it.

But whatever I guess, some ideas have to be realized first before it reaches "well that was a dumb fuck of an idea" phase.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 weeks ago

Nope. There is no civility with fanboys.


I have a couple of examples and this is probably going to sound preference based but I've come across so many must-have indie games there is to find that I just didn't like them.

Risk of Rain 2 - Highly regarded game, many fell in love with it. I didn't like it because it was rogue-like which I admit was an oversight on my part for not knowing what kind of game it was before I got it. I just heard so much about it that I had to try it out. I did and I can kind of see the appeal, it is an absolute for friends.

As solo on the other hand, really a downer.

Dead Cells - A game I recently played hours ago that was also highly recommended and well-received. Another rogue-like (see what I mean?) that I just know I wasn't going to have a lot of mileage in going into this game. But I found a few more things to not like other than that, like the whole blotty pixel kind of visuals I saw in the game. It didn't do much for me overall.

To cut to the chase - I hate roguelikes. Yet, I own copies of many of the best games the genre has to offer like Nuclear Throne, Slay the Spire and even Enter the Gungeon (I've softened up a little on so it's not that hated).


For me, it's about people having to always point how something makes them so old that was popular in their childhood. And they never ever stop to point out to everyone and announce how old they are.

Like yes, we get it, time fucking moves forward. It is by design. What makes you so special out of the billions that came before you and the billions more that'll come after you, about how old you are? It doesn't make you special so shut up.


Memory issues, here. I didn't think I would have bad memory issues until just a while ago, I had a thought on the tip of my nose, but forgot it in seconds and how it took me minutes to recall it. That's a key sign right there.

Some people have better memory in old age, like it's unreal sometimes with what some of them can remember. While the average person forgets thoughts in moments.


For me it's the paranoia surrounding webcams. People outright refuse to own one and I understand, until they go on and on about how they're being spied. Here's the secret - unplug the damn thing when you think you won't use it or haven't used it in a while.

They, whoever it is, can't really spy on you on something that's already off and unplugged!


I'm asking what big motivational factors contributed to you into going Linux full-time. I don't count minor inconveniences like 'oh, stutter lag in a game on windows' because that really could be anything in any system. I'm talking, something Windows or Microsoft has done that was so big, that made you go "fuck this, I will go Linux" and so you did.

For me, I have a mountain of reasons by this point to go to Linux. It's just piling. Recently, Windows freaked out because I changed audio devices from my USB headset from the on-board sound. It freaked out so bad, it forced me to restart because I wasn't getting sound in my headset. I did the switch because I was streaming a movie with a friend over Discord through Screen Share and I had to switch to on-board audio for that to work.

I switched back and Windows threw a fit over it. It also throws a fit when I try right-clicking in the Windows Explorer panel on the left where all the devices and folders are listed for reasons I don't even know to this day but it's been a thing for a while now.

Anytime Windows throws a toddler-tantrum fit over the tiniest things, it just makes me think of going to Linux sometimes. But it's not enough.

Windows is just thankful that currently, the only thing truly holding me back from converting is compatibility. I'm not talking with games, I'm not talking with some programs that are already supported between Windows and Linux. I'm just concerned about running everything I run on Windows and for it to run fully on a Linux distro, preferably Ubuntu.

Also I'd like to ask - what WILL it take for you to go to Linux full-time?


For me it's input. I have a continually thinking mind that feels that I must have something to say on anything. Whenever I've gotten rid of a Reddit account or took even a day or two off from activity on the internet. I had an itch to say something whenever something is reported or something I've seen while browsing that peaked my interest.

And I feel I have to say something on it, even if small. But yet I try to restrain myself from doing so because of how manufactured social media has become today.

It's gotten a little better, mainly because you know, after registering so many accounts for so long and having to upkeep so many. It is tiring to do for me so I think I'm finally slowing down from that to where this issue won't nearly be as big as it once was.

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