[-] [email protected] 6 points 2 hours ago

If you want cutting edge, don't use Mint. But that's not their focus at all. Mint is for people who just want their computer to work with minimal hassle.

These don't seem like competing needs. When I think "just work with minimal hassle", I don't think "I need to restrict myself to outdated hardware".

I'm perfectly happy running old packages in general. I'm still on Plasma 5, and it works just as well as it did last year. But that's a matter of features, not compatibility. Old is fine; broken is not.

[-] [email protected] 34 points 4 days ago

Okay. Good for China?

This seems like a really weird way to say "EU countries aren't investing enough into green tech".

[-] [email protected] 32 points 4 days ago


You probably want the SA (share-alike) or NC-SA (non-commercial share-alike) but take a look and decide what suits you best.

From https://creativecommons.org/faq/#do-i-have-to-provide-my-name-can-i-ask-that-my-name-be-removed :

Do I have to provide my name? Can I ask that my name be removed?

As a licensor, you may choose to receive under any name that you wish, such as a pseudonym or pen name, or you may choose not to be credited by name at all, and to publish anonymously. You do not have to be credited under your legal name. Most jurisdictions permit this, but you should check to be sure this is valid in your jurisdiction.

[-] [email protected] 6 points 5 days ago

Depends on the specifics. My high-end MacBook Pro uses active cooling, but in practice it almost never comes on. It's wayyyyy more efficient than the previous Intel gen.

A week or two ago, I accidentally left a Python process running using 100% of a single core. I didn't even notice for several hours, until it ate up all my RAM. On on Intel laptop the fan would've let me know in like two minutes.

I don't think Qualcomm's actually caught up to Apple yet, but it's getting close. It's good to see more competition.

[-] [email protected] 18 points 5 days ago

For all the talk of regulating AI, I think the only meaningful regulation is very simple: hold the people implementing it accountable.

You want to use AI instead of a real certified professional? Go nuts. Let it write your legal contracts, file your taxes, diagnose your patients. But be prepared to get sued into oblivion when it makes a mistake that real professionals spend years of expensive training learning to avoid. Let the insurance industry do the risk assessment and see how unviable it is to replace human experts when there's human accountability.

[-] [email protected] 1 points 5 days ago

BTRFS also supports deduplication, but not automatically. duperemove will do it and you can set it up on a cron task if you want.

[-] [email protected] 17 points 1 week ago

Google has a history of sabotaging Firefox in YouTube, because they can. This is a YouTube problem more than a Firefox problem. I know that's not really helpful for you as an end user, but I want to mention it because really, Google deserves the blame.

[-] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago

Is it possible this is site-specific? The only issue I've had with Firefox on my MacBook was leaving pinned tabs open on pages that dynamically refreshed. Gmail, for example, would eat up memory over time. So I killed that pinned tab and I haven't had issues since. I still have Discord pinned without issue.

On iPad...I dunno, Firefox on iPad is a hard sell without extension support so I haven't used it much. I've been trying Orion lately, since it has a built-in ad blocker and is otherwise very similar to Safari in terms of performance and functionality.

I only run Linux on desktop so I'm not sure about battery life there. Is Firefox actually blocking sleep? I think Steam Deck runs a version of KDE, so perhaps you can use the kde-inhibit command to list and control blocks.

[-] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago

Anyone know what charging protocol they use for 80W? This article and the official web site do not specify. Is it USB-PD? SuperVOOC? I'm not really familiar with Vivo specifically.

If it's USB-PD then that means you could use a typical laptop charger. If it's VOOC, then it's unlikely you'll have any compatible chargers.

[-] [email protected] 29 points 2 weeks ago

That would be a somewhat valid argument if Snaps "just worked" any better than Flatpaks. That has not been my experience.

Given the choice between an open standard and a proprietary one, the proprietary one damn well better have meaningful technological advantages. I don't see that with Snaps. All I see is a company pouring effort into a system whose only value is that they are pouring effort into it. They should put that effort into something better.

Granted, it's been a few years since I used Ubuntu and Snaps. Perhaps things have improved. It was nothing but headaches for me. A curse upon whoever decided to package apps that obviously require full file system access as Snaps. "User-friendly", indeed.

From an enterprise/server perspective, when what you're really paying for is first-party support, I guess Snaps make more sense. But again, that effort could be put toward something more useful.

[-] [email protected] 17 points 3 weeks ago

What's this? A software app store?

It's ironic how on Linux, my distro's app repository is always my first stop when looking for software, while on Mac or Windows it's my last resort.

Commercialized app stores are full of spam, and Microsoft and Apple both decided that app store apps should not have the full capabilities of normal apps. It's the exact opposite on Linux.

[-] [email protected] 2 points 4 weeks ago

Thanks for the recommendation! I was looking at the Fedora family since AMD officially supports RHEL 9. Hadn't gotten as far as to figure out how well that transfers to Fedora and its derivatives. Good to hear that it works.

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