
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 53 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) (4 children)

I really like to see communities like lemmy.film, mtgzone.com, and programming.dev and wish there was an instance about literature.


I want to configure a tool so that I can just call with a movie as an argument and automatically download the appropriate english subtitle by file hash or name. I recall I had something configured like that but now I don't remember what was the tool I used.

[–] [email protected] 19 points 1 year ago

This is so cool. It's exactly what I had in mind when thinking of a modern bash alternative.


I am currently in search of a reliable and privacy-focused alternative to Element Chat that can be used seamlessly across Linux, Android, and Windows platforms. Unfortunately, I'm experiencing some issues with Element Chat at the moment, and I need a trustworthy communication solution that prioritizes privacy, offers ease of installation and use, and ensures reliable messaging. If you have any recommendations or suggestions for an open source alternative that meets these criteria, I would greatly appreciate your insights.

Edit: I installed cinny and found a workaround for this issue I was having (https://github.com/vector-im/element-desktop/issues/1029#issuecomment-1612284909).


Bash-like scripting has become ubiquitous in operating systems, and it makes me wonder about its widespread adoption despite lacking certain programming conveniences found in other languages. While it may not be the ideal choice for large-scale software development, the bash shell possesses unique features that make it well-suited for interactive command-line processing, including pipelining, text manipulation, and file handling. Why isn't there an alternative that combines the best of bash's command-line capabilities with the robustness and scalability of traditional programming languages. Why do even new operating systems, such as Redox OS, opt for a similar syntax rather than a completely different programming language?

Here are some of the limitations I find in Bash compared to other programming languages:

  1. Syntax and Expressiveness:

    • Bash has a relatively simple syntax compared to other programming languages. It lacks some advanced language features such as object-oriented programming, complex data structures, and advanced control flow constructs.
    • The syntax of Bash can be less intuitive and more error-prone, especially for complex tasks or larger projects.
  2. Performance:

    • Bash scripts can be slower compared to compiled languages like C or Java. This is because Bash is an interpreted language, and each line of code is interpreted at runtime.
    • Bash may not be the best choice for computationally intensive tasks or applications that require high performance.
  3. Error Handling and Debugging:

    • Error handling and debugging in Bash can be challenging. Bash does not provide robust error handling mechanisms, and error messages can be cryptic and difficult to interpret.
    • Debugging Bash scripts can be cumbersome, as there is limited tooling and debugging support compared to other programming languages.
  4. Portability:

    • While Bash is available on most Unix-like systems, it may not be available on all platforms or versions. This can limit the portability of Bash scripts.
    • Bash scripts may not work as expected on non-Unix systems or require modifications to run on different platforms.
  5. Limited Standard Library:

    • Bash has a limited standard library compared to other programming languages. It lacks comprehensive libraries for tasks such as networking, database access, or advanced data manipulation.
    • Bash often relies on external tools or utilities to perform complex operations, which can introduce dependencies and compatibility issues.
  6. Lack of Modularity and Reusability:

    • Bash scripts can become monolithic and difficult to maintain as they grow in size. Bash does not provide strong mechanisms for modularization or code reuse.
    • Reusing code or creating libraries in Bash can be challenging, leading to code duplication and decreased maintainability.
[–] [email protected] 24 points 1 year ago

I think Israel has too much of an upper hand there to ever leave. It's only a matter of time before they make smaller and cheaper drones that they can release as a swarm.


A promotional video unveils the capabilities of the Israeli weapon Lanius, an autonomous lethal system used against Palestinians. Elbit Systems, an Israeli company, markets these "battle-tested" weapons. Recent invasions in Janine and Nobles demonstrate the alarming behavior of Israeli forces resembling death squads. Israeli raids in Palestine label armed Palestinians as terrorists, ignoring their right to self-defense. The UN's ineffective response fails to endorse international protection for Palestinians, as Israeli forces damage UN facilities and kill personnel. Palestinians rely on their own resistance due to the lack of support from international organizations. Despite Israel's technological advantage, their attempts to weaken Palestinian resistance have failed. History shows that colonizers eventually retreat, and Israel's colonization of Palestine will face the same fate.