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[–] [email protected] -1 points 10 months ago (3 children)

The law doesn't create anything for trans people that doesn't exist for gays. If you repeatedly call someone using male pronouns when they repeatedly ask to be called by female pronouns that's being insulting on purpose. This is very similar to using slurs or insults with any other protected minority, if you call a brown skinned person an "Indian" repeatedly when they tell you they're Philippino you'd get into the exact same trouble. It's not new. Purposefully being an asshole to minorities is, in many situations, illegal especially when you have a position of authority.

I've read what your said and I don't think I've been unfair. I feel your presentation of facts was narrow and omitted a lot of important nuance. I feel it created a narrative that is flawed at best and dangerously dishonest at worst. I do agree that my statements are more biased, I don't like JP and I think he's a predatory con man, I'm not claiming to be neutral. I also agree that on the surface your presentation of information is more neutral, but your choices on what to include and what to omit create a strong but more subtle bias, and I don't believe this was entirely accidental.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 10 months ago (2 children)

I see what you're saying "you can dig through this pile of shit (racism, homophobia, and other bigotry) and find a nugget of gold (basic ass advice on self help and leadership)" and that's as true for JP as it is for Hitler.

I think what everyone else is saying is "WHY?!??" why are you fighting so hard to dig through the shit. There are many people handing out that gold with very little shit digging required.

When you fight so hard for the right to dig through that much shit to find small amounts of easily accessible gold, people are going to rightfully start to think it's not just the gold you're after.

[–] [email protected] -2 points 10 months ago (5 children)

Wow, that summary is disingenuous to the point of insanity. There was no law that criminalizes dead naming someone in Canada nor has anyone tried to pass one. The law he opposed was adding gender expression to the list of protected grounds for discrimination. Bigots like JP tried to make it seem like this was a ridiculous anti free speech law, but it gives the same protections to trans people as gays and other minorities. https://www.cbc.ca/cbcdocspov/features/canadas-gender-identity-rights-bill-c-16-explained

He was also asked to take the training because he kept calling doctors who help trans people "butchers" and that's a fucked up thing to call your fellow mental health professionals. He didn't oppose the ruling on the grounds it was restricting his free speech, he opposed it because he said he "wasn't acting in a professional capacity" but that's bullshit. The court said he can't have it both ways, both being recognised and introduced as an expert due to his credentials, then say that nothing he says is done in a professional context. https://toronto.ctvnews.ca/ontario-court-rules-against-jordan-peterson-upholds-social-media-training-order-1.6530615

Absolutely ridiculous that your summary is basically "he fights for free speech and everyone hates him for it" when the reality is that he's a hypocritical bigot who thinks there should be no consequences to saying offensive things in public. I also love that you managed to blame Trudeau for stifling JP's free speech when nothing even close to that ever happened.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 10 months ago (1 children)

You should get paid carbon credits!

[–] [email protected] 15 points 10 months ago

Remember when Fucking Pearl Jam tried to avoid Ticketmaster because of their scummy shit and even tried to sue them and failed.

Pepperidge farm remembers https://news.yahoo.com/1994-pearl-jam-took-ticketmaster-230031845.html

Ticketmaster isn't just a front for shitty artists because then artists trying to not be shitty wouldn't have a problem.

[–] [email protected] 20 points 10 months ago (1 children)

Society, in general, and through the lens of popular media, doesn't think men are, or should be whole people. In general, women in media are often insecure, afraid, and act irrationally and emotionally because of past trauma. These traits are often part of a good person or a main character. Even horny thoughts can be part of "good guys" when they're women. Girls and women can oogle attractive men on screen and make comments without it being a character flaw.

Men on the other hand are stoic and in control of their emotions and themselves. Losing control of temper, lashing out physically or emotionally as a male character is permitted mostly as a failure in a "failure and redemption" arc, or as a primary characteristic of a bad guy.

Fear, insecurity and trauma are often even unacceptable for villains to exhibit, let alone good guys. Horny thoughts are COMPLETELY unacceptable, and only the sleaziest of bad guys or minions will express any. Men should be attracted to the person's mind only, not their body.

When good guys share their feelings, it's often a story about a past trauma (daughter died, father never proud) where the emotional consequences are barely expressed in their day to day actions. At this point they're permitted to shed a single tear, to show they're deep and emotional. That's generally what people expect when they ask a guy to share their emotions, a simple narrative that doesn't affect most of day to day life, a VERY restrained display of emotions, then back to stoic male.

Anything more is permitted only for children and women.

I don't believe it's a conspiracy against men. I mostly understand where most of these tropes came from. For example it used to be that men on screen expressed horny thoughts and oogled women. However it was often from a perspective where the women had no agency and were completely objectified. This objectification of women was also present in society. Punishing men who objectify women and praising men who don't was a big part of the change required from society by women's liberation, entry into the workforce and feminism as a whole. Female characters expressing horny thoughts or oogling men is part of showing more compete female agency since sexuality is such a huge part of the human mindset. Nothing here is a conspiracy against men.

We're at a good point in history to start showing that men can be whole and complete persons on screen and in real life. And I hope we start seeing it.

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