
joined 6 months ago
[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 days ago (1 children)

It is mentioned on the second season of the Netflix one, but it is more relevant in the books, and the UK version AFAIK.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 week ago

Genetical in the sense that you are programmed to behave like that, not in the sense it has to be yours to prompt said response. Paternity fraud is no joke.

[–] [email protected] 11 points 1 week ago

No kids, ever. I can hardly take care of myself, can't even be trusted with a plant, and I find them disgusting. Who will care for me when I am old? I have worked long and hard with the elderly, and knowing how many of them were abandoned by their families, it is easy to see that my odds are better investing the money I would use to raise a child, in a retirement fund instead.

But with how broke I am, I am not even getting to do the retirement fund thing, so yay. Glad I didn't let an ex change my mind when I was earning a lot back in the day, because those jobs got "optimized" and outsourced.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 weeks ago

Too committed, willing to sacrifice himself for his family, and positive till the point of being called "too hopeful"

[–] [email protected] 9 points 2 weeks ago (5 children)

Bob Belcher, from Bob's Burgers. Gods, what I would do FOR and TO that man.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 2 weeks ago

Chloe, from "Don't trust the bitch in apartment 23", same actress. She makes me extra Bi.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 2 weeks ago

Is this aneurism posting?

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (1 children)

To keep us from going to the moon, which is both a projection, but behind that projection is the actual gold reserves.

To keep us from reaching the ice wall, or beyond it, to the outer realms and to the hollow earth(According to my source, it is easier to climb down the outside of the ice wall to reach the hollow earth than to dig through the earth's cortex) (And yes, according to my source, the flat earth is floating on top of the hollow earth).

Oh, and to keep the aliens and the secret elite safe and out of reach. Also, Epstein isn't dead, he was extracted by the powers and moved down there as well, so he doesn't tell anyone about the horrors under our feet.

Source: My nutty aunt.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 month ago

I am cis, yet I used to wear women's jeans because my ass is glorious, and back in my day they just didn't make form flattering clothes for men. Wore foundation and a little make up to help boost my self esteem and hide my scars, and enhance my natural beauty, and acted "as a woman" because I was already androgynous as fuck, and I had a lot of fun watching people get mindfucked and perplexed when they found out I was a non gender conforming mechanic.

There are many reasons to wear women's clothes, you don't get to invalidate everyone else because you think everyone who has enjoyed some things from "the other side of the fence" is trans, in denial and you are the only one who knows better and can save them.

That is some real "white savior" grade bullshit, mate.

Glad you're getting yeeted.

[–] [email protected] 11 points 1 month ago

Because of course, you know better than them. You know better than everyone and if anyone thinks otherwise, they're wrong. /s

Going up to a person and telling them "Hey, you're fat", "Hey, you're white" or "Hey, you're trans", is rude, dumb and a sign that you might be autistic or a moron.

Sure, some femboys do grow older and realize they were trans all along, and some don't. I am a bit fluid, but when I was young, I could have been considered a femboy, if that had been considered a thing back then. Looking pretty, androgynous, wearing gender neutral or mixing it up some days was a lot of fun, but FOR ME it was a phase. I enjoyed it when I was young, but it is no longer my thing, because people are fluid. For others it is not a phase, and they genuinely enjoy being femboys, for some others it is the beginning of a self realization journey.

Point is, let people be who they are, your experience is not the same as everyone else's. And I have seen your other "meme" and your comments, and you are surprisingly quick to dismiss other gender identities, and on the same breath say that trans women are not real women.

You got some deep seated issues, darling. Seek help, and I don't mean it as an insult, I say it because I really think you could benefit from it.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 month ago

BTW, sorry for getting defensive. But yeah, I work on what I can and since my country is very shitty about disabilities, and being disabled, cooking and any manual labor take me forever, and for me the morality aspect of it is placing the burden of vegetarian and vegan diets on the consumer, when in reality is is easier and cheaper to manufacture, if we exclude subsidies.

I don't harbor any animosity against vegetarians or vegans, it is a lot of work, I used to be vegan myself, but convenience and prices pushed me out. I always question myself before giving an argument, and finding out I am wrong is a great way to grow and remind myself how fallible we people are.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 month ago

I like how you engage politely, and nourish discourse. Part of the issue is the fact that time and money are not commodities that I sadly posses, and when the behemoth of the meat industry has bribed their way into massive subsidies, to the point where they can sell oven-ready beef patties for a dollar each, which sure, I can go cheaper and more tasty with lentil patties, but the time and effort they take, that is time that thanks to capitalism and exploitation, I don't posses.

And the added inconvenience of having to carry your food everywhere, be hungry or pay for the outrageously overpriced vegan options out there, when one can instead just buy a hot dog without even breaking a stride.

Personally I don't have a moral issue with killing animals for food, but the industrialization of the practice is immoral and dehumanizing. I have raised chicken and goats for food, and when you do it in a sustainable, cruelty free way, I am fine with their deaths, but capitalism and the race for profits make it impossible to do, due to the competition being a soulless, entirely for profit, global machine.

Thanks capitalism.

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