
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 4 points 10 months ago

No one ever said we are always right, and we can't be, because our internal struggle sessions are well know. We weren't even able to federate for 3 years due to incompatible code, and in that time, disagreed (to put it lightly) on things all the time in ways where both sides can't be right. I realize it can be convenient for you to talk about people you're trying to disparage as a monolith, but I assure you, no hexbear thinks hexbears are always right.

But when it comes to actually knowing shit about geopolitics, and understanding realities beyond the narrative that has been crafted to justify the ruling class' dominance and hegemony, it's hard to get it wrong when you're talking to propagandized liberals who eat up that narrative like good little unquestioning beneficiaries of empire. That much is true.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 10 months ago (2 children)

Ukraine has lost. They are not getting their separatist regions back.

[citation needed].

Points at the utter failure of the joke of a counteroffensive to even breach Russia's first line of defense after months of hype about retaking Crimea

In any case Ukrainians disagree with you and keep on fighting.

You mean the ones forced to fight because they were kidnapped off the street and will be shot if they try to leave? Or the fascists that are in charge?

Heck even if Russia occupied all of Ukraine they'd keep on fighting.

Part of the reason why Russia does not want to occupy all of Ukraine.

It's not in your hands whether they fight or not,

Nor yours, but it is in the hands of NATO leadership who have stymied peace negotiations at every opportunity.

and their motive is just

[citation needed]

so why not help them?

Why would we want to help people get forced into a meat grinder?

[–] [email protected] 17 points 10 months ago

Not saying he needed to but it was very obvious that he did.


Do you hear what you're saying?

Putin: "Even though I have overwhelming support, I'm going to conduct a giant conspiracy to win an election I would win anyway. It may come with very high cost and no actual benefit, but YOLO. In fact it might even undermine all that support I already have. But fuck it, I'm an evil dictator, so that's what I'm gonna do."


Those western sources also agree that he rigged his election.

Maybe, just maybe... no, no, hear me out... Maybe you should start questioning all the things you hear from those western sources?

[–] [email protected] 13 points 10 months ago

Do you enjoy carrying water for literal fascists?

Reposting the same link as in my other comment, just because it so perfectly demonstrates how stupid and/or disingenuous it is to think that the near infinite written and photographic examples of Ukraine's love of nazi iconography is actually a Russian false flag attempt:

[–] [email protected] 18 points 10 months ago (4 children)

It is indeed odd that US propaganda can't make up its mind between "Putin Ebil Crazed Dictator Sole Actor Behind War" and "Russian Brainpan Predisposed to Being Big Meanies." So Which is it? Do Russians actually not support Putin and the SMO or are all of these western sources talking about his soaring approval actually just on Putin's payroll?

[–] [email protected] 22 points 10 months ago

Yeah, those damn Ruskies sure love carrying around banner portraits of Stepan Bandera and flying blue and yellow flags next to their swastikas and black suns and wolfsangels.

All of these are Russian's too, right? Especially the ones that say Azov Battalion?

[–] [email protected] 19 points 10 months ago (5 children)

What are you even asking for? What do you want citations on? As I made very clear with quoted text, I was responding to a claim about everyone on the hexbear instance.

Do you want citations and careful wording that hexbear people use citations and careful wording? Or do you want citations and careful wording about something specific having to do with the topic of the OP? In either case, just read the comments from hexbear users all over this thread.

[–] [email protected] 21 points 10 months ago (9 children)

Oh a hexbear. ... You lot only have overly simplistic takes.

When we respond to blatant ignorance with carefully chosen wording, backing up our position with citations and links, and calmly explaining the nuance of complex geopolitical realities, we get accused of "always throwing walls of text at people." When we answer that same ignorance with short and pithy responses, we "only have simplistic takes."


There's no winning with you simple-minded dronies, but I guess there never is when one side can just make shit up that fits their vibes-based outlook on the world.

[–] [email protected] 17 points 10 months ago (12 children)

Putin's approval in Russia consistently polls extremely high and his decisions generally supported, whereas Biden's approval hovers around the high 30s-percentage, breaking records for lowest approval in the history of the country. And you think Putin has even a modicum of the power that the leader of the country that is world hegemon has?


[–] [email protected] 23 points 10 months ago

You don't say this is Biden's proxy war


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