[-] [email protected] 3 points 6 days ago

To be fair, the farmer should also be given some credit for taking a hit and evading others to provide distraction for the Captain to get stuck in.

Cyclop's poor judgement to not focus of the greater threat to its demise

[-] [email protected] 2 points 6 days ago

It was quite a while ago and I currently have too old a pc to get back in

Had to do some reading and it was the Meph's Tileset, but was discontinued on account of profiting off the use of assets without creditation.


Seems like a link to the archive of the tileset although I am not too sure how to apply it as recall just utilizing the Lazy Newb Pack settings at the time.

submitted 6 days ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

A story I love sharing from an older version of the game and unfortunately the only one that I kept track of as I was left stunned at the result.

A forgotten beast Cyclops decided to pay my dwarven city a visit, so I sound the call to seal the city as I let the hunters act as a vanguard to get my dwarves inside. Unfortunately, the cyclops makes quick work of them and I only just started getting my military in order after getting my iron production started.

So here I quickly assign one of the early recruits to the role of Captain of the Guard, in the role of delaying the foul beast while I scramble to get a militia going to drive it off.

Little did I expect for this single dwarf to not only stand up to the cyclops in single combat but brutally kill it too.

I know cylcops are fairly low on the danger scale, but still to watch and read the logs as this greenbeard dwarf digs into a forgotten beast like I am reading a God of War fanfic was glorious.

[-] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago

CDDA, takes awhile to get comfortable with the controls, but it does scratch a certain itch once one can get setup and start to test one's luck in search of the good stuff.

One has to make their own objectives for it though otherwise one can sort of just get to a point and not know what to do. But getting to a point where you can just walk into a city and be the most dangerous thing there does have a certain charm to it considering the journey getting there. It certainly rewards exploring though as one can find all sorts of craziness hidden away waiting to be found.

[-] [email protected] 5 points 1 week ago

I know it is cliche to say but it took me the longest time to really knuckle down and play it, but boy once I did - I basically started up another playthrough right after to see what I missed and the shift in perspective when I played a different type of character was interesting to say the least.

So started as a skeptical intellectual who had to pull themselves from a sorry cop to a regular cop and approached things logically with a touch of eccentricity and pangs of regret and then compared to a wishy-washy communist with fascist leanings (which characters called the character out on) psychic superstar cop with an alias he truly believed was his name and I enjoyed and saw a completely different side of the game which was unexpected.

[-] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago

I cannot speak on the rest of the series, but I have played devil survivor 1 and 2:

Devil Survivor 1 does have a bit of a difficulty curve that can take one by surprise with the first major boss and it is like priming the player towards what to expect but its story I personally enjoyed.

Devil Survivor 2 is lighter in tone, well compared to the Devil Survivor 1, but I felt it was a smoother experience - doesn't feel as tightly packaged but it does compensate with having a better presentation and provides choice in a lot clearer manner.

I liked Devil Survivor 1 story better but enjoyed Devil Survivors 2 gameplay more

[-] [email protected] 7 points 2 months ago

First thing that came to mind and I see others are here are of the same mind with platinum trauma response.


So leaves me to wonder how far are we from the cyberware then?

[-] [email protected] 2 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

Yip, he had a fine time at the surface dweller pub and enjoyed the performances

Copy of the combat log

[-] [email protected] 2 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

I promoted a dwarf to militia commander - never been in combat, as I was working on creating a militia once I had weapon and armour production underway.

Then a forgotten beast Cyclops decides to visit my fortress, he makes quick work of my dwarven hunters and in an attempt to get my dwarves inside the fortress I send out the newly promoted militia captain out to delay it while I get ready to seal the fortress up

I wasn't expecting much from the essentially green dwarf, but somehow he invoked the spirit of Amorak and proceeded to engage it in a one-on-one duel.

It was only after I was ready to seal the fortress did I look around to see if he had died, instead I was greeted by a sight that took me by surprise, this lone militia captain was holding their own against the cyclops with his iron short sword. I look at the logs and see this monster of a dwarf is not only fighting without injury but is tearing away at the cyclops, getting his sword lodged multiple times into the beast while deftly avoiding any counter blows.

It was a one sided slaughter reading two pages of combat logs, one of which was the dwarf wailing away at the cyclops who had collapse from pain shock.

Made me think I was reading some dwarf Kratos fan-fiction, needless to say the fortress was in good fortunes once the butchers got around to carving up the remains of the cyclops.

*edit seems it was the Captain of the Guard who was the hero not the militia captain

submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

So I posted recently about something with Hollow Knight and how I was too fat fingered to do the white palace

Well before I wrote that I got as far as the room that has the secret wall to the Path of Pain. I resigned myself after going at the normal way it for hours and getting stuck there.

After writing , I tried to have a go at it again and reading guides to what to do, I finally got through it after an embarrasing amount of hours... now I know it is a skill issue I have with platformers and I was hating myself the whole way through while using a keyboard.

I hated doing it, felt like the game was going to break me but I carried on cursing the game for every inch of progress I made. I can acknowledge that the White Palace was well made ( although the saws and spear mechanisms will probably give me nightmares) , felt a bit overtuned on the timings, but again what do I know I am horrible with platforming in general.

If the normal white palace gave me this much trouble, then I will probably get aneurysms trying to do the path of pain and give respect to those that have will to do it

I don't wish to discourage anyone from playing the game though, my embarrasing amount of hours I put into completing the White Place is more an effect of me literally brute forcing my brain to get timings right and then playing a section at a time that the many sections on an obstacle becomes one set piece action when I stop thinking and let muscle memory take over


joined 1 year ago