
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 4 points 9 months ago

VRchat is similar to second life in terms of what it provides to the player, and is very popular with VR users. Second life is still around but it looks like puke and has an impenetrable culture.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 9 months ago

Yeah VR is a good thing to point at as a message for "this is where we are heading and it will make the problem worse" but the current problems stem from the broad internet (the big apps) taking away real socialization time without giving much in return, and also cultural identity problems that are vast and complex.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 9 months ago

The fact that it's Chinese really isn't even a blip on the radar imo. The censorship sucks and a lot of US platforms do it too ( I mean shit look at YouTubes content rules).

Their content algorithm being really good at showing you what your brain craves in an endless stream is the real big problem. It's creating such strange micro cultures. Live streams of people slowly filling balloons with food coloring and water, on a bunch of white printer paper. Teasing the water. Like an hour before it pops. 1,200,000 views. It feels insidious in such a weird way.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 10 months ago

Have fun! it really does fix such a ridiculous amount of annoyances. I agree that making private co-op and running the server itself on another computer are the two things i want most from it, both of those may be possible with little work but AKI has to be very careful to avoid any ire from BSG

[–] [email protected] 6 points 11 months ago

Outer Wilds would 100% be on my list but i played it close to release, so more than 365 days lol

[–] [email protected] 2 points 11 months ago (2 children)

Its actually really easy to set up.

-install the bsg launcher, update, install the base game

use this, following its instructions >

IF there is a version mismatch with live, which happens, this is a really easy patcher that downgrades

thats it, really easy. As for the mods and changes ive listed, here

KMC server value tool. read instructions, you have to run it first to make it work right. This is the main tool for tweaking the games settings, and there are a lot of options. Be sure to make your own profile and save and load it, its a bit of a weird set up. Here are my current settings.

If a tab isnt shown then i probably havent changed anything in it.

Amands graphics, unfucks the game visually. defog, makes it less grey.

More checkmarks. gives you way more on the fly info about what items you need, what they barter for, etc.

SAIN, AI rework. Has two dependencies, be sure to get them. This is my prefered AI option, there are others but this one makes the most sense with the least problems imo.

Amands hitmarkers. nice to have, not necessary at all, but i like it for the immediate feedback.

Visceral dismemberment. Really over the top and gross but fun.

ammo stats in description. shows you what the actual fuck ammo is without sitting on eft monster or wiki. color coded too.

gunsmith, not technically up to date with SPT but it works anyway.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 11 months ago (4 children)

I freed myself from these chains years ago now, It was definitely worth it. understandable if you are locked in for work though.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 11 months ago

This is a big one for me, I currently have NVIDIA gpus on all my machines, (i am going to avoid them in the future, the corporate price gouging is unacceptable) but at the moment that makes switching to linux for my gaming pc quite a bit more obnoxious.


I think the most common answer is going to be Tears of the Kingdom, and that is one for me that stands out for sure, but I will try to add some more unique inputs as well. Many are games that came out longer than a year ago, but i didnt get around to playing until more recently.

-Escape From Tarkov, Single Player. Okay look, I have 3000 hours in EFT Live/regular. There is nothing that competes with it, nothing like the experience. But there are so many excessive and unlikely to be changed negatives to the experience that I simply cant put more time into it anymore, much less recommend it to others. LUCKILY the SPT version exists, and it is so fucking fun and refreshing. No cheater, no long load times, no disgusting server desync. No busted ass rogue and boss AI. Hate the stupid base exp rates? change them. Hate the ridiculous hideout install times that only exist to keep people from bullrushing high tier ammo in week 1? change them. I have mods installed that vastly improve the enemy AI, that fix the truly deranged shooting/recoil physics, that show you more data on different ammunition in game so you dont need a wiki open constantly, sell you gunsmith compatible guns so i dont have to build that shit for the 1000th time. Shit I even turned off fall damage so i could yeet myself off cliffs and chase down gun shots. It is simply much much much more fun. Its really the only Tarkov experience i can recommend these days.

-Mechabellum. This game is what ive wanted from the auto battle genre since it first popped up. Its got the perfect blend of conceptual strategy (think chess, the first game in the genre was auto-chess after all), randomness (the starting loadouts and perks on each round work as a very effective randomizing seed) and LACK of high APM micro bullshit that makes traditional multiplayer RTS a nightmare to pick up and learn. Its wonderful and im going to be playing so much of it as they are adding more coop modes and maps. 150 hours already.

-Monster Hunter Rise. This last year was the year that monster hunter really clicked for me, after like 5 years of on and off trying and failing to get into it. I think what changed was finally understanding that the game is just pushing you to improve on a purely mechanical perspective, constantly. In the same way that dark souls combat rewards you for 'getting good' (learning the movesets, knowing when to push and pull back, etc) Monster Hunter just wants you to be a goddamn badass, but youll have to work for it. Go slap that dragon with a big fish. 250 hours (yeesh)

-Hades. This is one of maybe 3 games ever that i could actually describe as 'perfect'. Im sure a lot of people have read this sentiment online, but here's the thing; I tried Hades 3 times previously and, while i did enjoy the experience and got like 2-5 successful patricides, it never really clicked into place. Until this time. The entire reason i got back into it was getting a steam deck, which i cannot recommend enough (if the price is right, be wary that a steam deck 2 in late 2024 is quite possible). but that was just a trigger. What actually made the difference was me slowing down a bit to appreciate the absolutely unparalleled and breathtaking attention to detail that the game constantly fulfills. 21000 voicelines, and ive never heard a repeat in 80 hours. Still unlocking new things like 30 or 40 successful runs in. Even the most supremely minor things: There is a decoration you can buy for your room, a big harp. you can run up to it and pluck some gross discordant notes. Neat, this kind of thing is in a lot of games, but still neat. EXCEPT plucking this thing enough gives you unique dialogues with a certain character. plucking it enough in between different runs shows you actually improving, making some less gross notes, then gross chords, then less gross chords, all with unique dialogue unlocks as you go. and eventually you pluck it and produce some real music. I cannot emphasize enough, this is a silly little decoration in your room that is totally optional and it wouldnt shock me if 95% of players completely miss it. THIS is the level of detail the game is constantly operating on. Super rare niche legendary boon from Demeter that kills stuff with a certain condition when its at 10% hp? bam, unique demeter voiceline for using it to beat the final boss. shit like that, is why this game is special, and what makes it next-level.

-Project Wingman VR. I love PW, i put like 30-40 hours in the regular game and it stands out to me as the best arcade flying game(ily AC7 but AC8 has to step up). But I recently got my VR headset working properly and tried PW in VR using my modest T.16000M throttle and stick, and oh my sweet lord there is something so transcendent about the experience. So rarely do i feel goosebumps when i play a game anymore (getting old) but this was like 2 straight hours of goosebumps. I also literally, actually, shit my pants a little when i collided with another plane, so thats nice.


For me its honestly a ton of my work software (digital forensics), shit is too niche to be replaced by good FOSS options. Cellebrite, Magnet Axiom, etc. Autopsy is great and free and has a linux version but it simply cannot get the same level of data without a pretty nutty level of custom code.

And the biggest side effect of this is FUCKING WINDOWS. God I would replace this nightmare OS in a heartbeat if the aforementioned work software would make linux compatible versions. We have legitimately wasted 10k hours dealing with windows bullshit that would not be a problem in linux. Though im sure linux would take a different 10k for its own problems.

What about you guys? Doesn't have to be work related, thats just the thorn in my side right now.

[–] [email protected] 18 points 11 months ago (3 children)

there are real actions Biden can take today

Well let's look at the two you just said.

1:elimate via 1965 higher education act. Mechanistically, this would be done via executive order, then the court challenges, and rules on whether or not the action itself or the 1965 act is constitutional. And what do you know! We are in luck! Because that's literally what just fucking happened with the 10k cancellation last year. And it turns out our supreme court is full of shit bags, so it got squashed.

2: stack the court, or, excuse me, "expand to 13". This is blatantly and laughably unconstitutional. The amount of justices is explicitly set Article III, Section 1, by congress. Judiciary Act of 1789 set it to 6. Passed by congress. Judiciary Act of 1801 set it to 5. Congress. 1807 to 7. Congress. 1869 set to 9. Congress. Jackson tried and got overturned. FDR tried, via congressional bill and didn't get the votes. Now tell me where in that timeline do you see the authority to do this without congressional approval? So what you are asking for is a literal goddamn executive coup, a blatant authoritarian power grab for the executive, what we just narrowly avoided with Trump. Any support online you see for this movement, that even dares to cite a legal explanation for why Biden could do this, is made by liars and grifters who thinks they can sneakily interpret the constitution with some backdoor logic to ignore all judicial precedent. They are just rebranding sovereign citizen logic, straight up.

[–] [email protected] 9 points 11 months ago (1 children)

if he can do that, they could figure something out

Learn how the government works. Please. An executive order was what Biden did previously, in attempting to cancel a smaller amount of debt for less people. It was rejected by the supreme court. There is no next step, there is no other way that isn't an explicitly authoritarian unconstitutional Andrew Jackson style attack on the supreme court. Biden would have an approval rating of 10% within a week, whether or not anyone on Lemmy thinks it's a good idea.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 11 months ago (1 children)

if the supreme court accept it, then it's cancelled

They clearly, obviously, blatantly will not accept it. They shut him down on cancelling a smaller amount. They won't just allow him to cancel a larger amount. All sending it to them does is create more precedent limiting the power of the executive, there is no reason to do that. There's zero upside.

[–] [email protected] 51 points 11 months ago (24 children)

They literally fucking can't. They tried within a more limited scope and the supreme court slapped it down, there is a zero percent chance they could cancel a more broad selection. Dogshit meme

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