[-] [email protected] 9 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

I hug my guy friends when I haven't seen them in a while (e.g. my friends who live far away). Snuggling is super weird, and I don't know of any guys who have done that. Feels like if I did, my wife would not be very happy. Affectionate fighting seems just over the top. Seems like something limited to children and movies.

I think the amount of physical affection I get from other men is fine. Don't really need more

[-] [email protected] 8 points 3 weeks ago

I would argue that it is better to have two separate drives for the installation. It simplifies things for non tech savvy people, and I believe Windows has less of an opportunity to mess with your linux install, such as messing with the efi partition.

[-] [email protected] 9 points 1 month ago

Personally I do not let internet trends affect my behavior out in the real world. Why is that? Because if I use the term "short king" anywhere in the real world, 99% of people won't know what I'm talking about. Until you hear a real person say it (that means not on lemmy, not on twitter, not on dating apps, etc. or people you meet through these platforms) you can assume that there is no real impact to be had there. I think we give way too much credit to the internet for affecting real life trends. Most people don't care about these cute terminologies people come up with, and neither should you. The term was made to get someone attention, not to make short people feel better.

[-] [email protected] 4 points 1 month ago

Ctrl + Shift + - should decrease the font size of the current terminal, which isn't what you are looking for, but could be useful while you sort it out. Is it possible that the font in the config doesn't exist, causing this issue?

[-] [email protected] 5 points 1 month ago

What happens when the defaults change? Is old code all of a sudden not following the style guidelines?

[-] [email protected] 11 points 2 months ago

This is such a high level description that it is a meaningless comparison. The fact that Fallout doesn't take itself nearly as seriously as Westworld is already a huge difference. Sometimes the implementation is what is valuable, not the idea.

submitted 10 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I spend a lot of time creating system diagrams for presentations. I always use Inkscape to draw these diagrams. However I ran into a scenario where I wanted to animate them. The animations I'm looking for are dead simple. I want to be able to fade in, fade out, and slide basic shapes. The way I worked around it this time was by using PowerPoint. However, is there an FOSS alternative I could use? I would probably need to also export the animation into a gif or some other platform agnostic format. Bonus points for something that can use the images I draw in Inkscape.

[-] [email protected] 2 points 10 months ago

I mean, all of those communities are for cheap consumption of content. There's a difference between wanting to discuss food and wanting to see and endless feed of bacon cheddar loaded fries.

[-] [email protected] 10 points 10 months ago

TBH, I think I dislike it only slightly less than reddit. Don't get me wrong, I like the idea of the fediverse and what not. However, I see a lot of posts around here saying that lemmy is so much better than reddit, but I don't necessarily agree. Culturally I see a lot of the same behavior between the two. The main difference is there are a lot less "Facebook-like" posts and way more tech nerd-centric opinions. I would even argue that there is a lack of cultural balance. Like most of the people here are extremists in one way or the other (this includes me), and there are less "normal" people. I think this is probably what some of the users here actually want because they thirst for the "good ol' days" of forums before some of nerd culture leaked into the mainstream, but I'm not sure it's my cup of tea. Furthermore something that is sort of both a feature and a downside is that there is way less content here for obvious reasons. It's nice not to have an endless feed, but again, due to cultural imbalance, there isn't much variety. I love using linux, but I don't know if I care to have my feed engulfed by it. I'm not sure if the time I spend in Lemmy is really a net positive, just like how reddit felt. I'd say the most positive aspect of reddit was I could subscribe to a city specific subreddit and actually get news and info that is useful to my day to day life, whereas the info here is just useful for keeping me in my house or absorbed in work.

Please do not tell me to suck it up and contribute my own content. The point of this comment is not to get the community to "fix" lemmy for me but simply to relay an observation.

[-] [email protected] 3 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

Does it execute both, or does it execute the branch that is more likely to be valid? Branch prediction seems like it'd be way more performant than executing both branches until the result of the branch condition is available. If you think about it, what you're proposing will cause the CPU to always execute instructions that are not meant to be executed when confronted with a branch whereas branch prediction will only execute these "useless" instructions in the unlikely scenario where the prediction is incorrect.


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