
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 weeks ago

That is what their marketing wants you to think, the reality is going to be its just another soulless shallow designed-by-committee AAA rpg. Nothing ive seen so much has led me to believe otherwise and they have quite a streak of bad games to break.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 months ago (1 children)

I remember trying it quite a few years ago but it was too much work to learn to play it at the time, I knew how long it usually takes for games like DF, kenshi or rimworld to click and wasn't sure if star sector is worth it when I had x3, factorio, m&b to occupy me.

I am always tempted to give it a try but the number of new complex games keeps increasing while the number of my brain cells keeps dropping xd


I've been trying Linux Mint on my old dell laptop with an nvidia GPU and it's been just one impossible issue after the other.

Even games that have native linux versions like Valheim don't run if I'm running off the GPU (but run if i switch to the integrated intel gpu but with terrible performance). Some games that work with proton work fine but have tons of weird issues like not being able to type specific characters on the keyboard, or the game and the entire OS just randomly freezing after 15-20 minutes - it happened in both warframe and guild wars 2 for example. Every time it happened I had to do a hard reboot since it was completely unresponsive.

I tried installing bottles and couldn't get through the basic setup of the GOG launcher without getting black screens in it. There were some workarounds with no-sandbox launch arguments at one point but I think I eventually gave up on it. Steam had tons of issues with launchers freezing, or steam itself getting stuck on constant shader updates every day I start the game.

I tried changing proton versions, installing wine and lutris manually, changing nvidia drivers (randomly trying other one since there's no useful info online about which to pick or which ones even work...) and it never got to a satisfactory point. I still have no idea which drivers im supposed to be using (if it's not the recommended ones that come with Mint), or how to properly update them manually.

I've had steam somethines just not run at all, I run it and nothing happens. I see it in the process manager, kill it ,restart it... it gets the temporary update popup and then disappears with no error message whatsoever.

I actually own a steam deck and I never had any major issues with it, so my only conclusion is that this time it's the fault of either linux mint (which is supposed to be the stable, no-nonsense OS), or the different hardware - probably the GPU.

So yeah... is the conclusion wrong, or is it really simply pointless to try linux with nvidia?

edit: hardware info:
GPU: GeForce GTX 1060 Mobile
CPU: i7-7700HQ
I'm currently running Linux Mint 21.2 Cinnamon
Nvidia drivers in use are the latest ones available from the driver manager (currently nvidia-driver-550).

Will try PopOS! next

[–] [email protected] 1 points 10 months ago

Funny you'd bring FFXIV up, I guess you haven't been around for EW's release? :D

[–] [email protected] 2 points 10 months ago

I use Fluent Reader but I have to admit it's a bit janky in terms of UX. It also doesn't have built in feed discovery like inoreader but at least its (ad)free. It does its job well enough.