[-] [email protected] 12 points 1 week ago

Hey that's exactly what my rent / wage split was in the UK last year. The only reason anything got better is that minimum wage went up while my rent hasn't yet.

[-] [email protected] 5 points 1 week ago

I honestly don't think Lemmy will function well without a way for identical communities across different instances could subscribe to eachother, allowing a single feed of information. This would stop the instances splitting the userbase.

Early Reddit had a subreddit for everything, but most were dormant. However as soon as you posted on it, enough people had it on their front page that you'd get a response. I think Lemmy feels very similar to how Reddit did 10 years ago, except many of the dead communities are totally dead.

[-] [email protected] 1 points 2 weeks ago

Studded leather, 20 Dex and Int, then something like haste is definitely possible.

[-] [email protected] 31 points 3 weeks ago

I definitely doubt the average comic author is pro billionaire. I think having an absurdly rich protagonist is just interesting for plot, not just does it easily justify the funding, but it easily generates a lot of plot hooks.

Growing up, I absolutely loved Peter Parker as just being the average broke kid, but I was never excited by the plot that generated that was largely school drama or conversations in small apartments.

On the other hand, there are plenty of cool things that Bruce Wayne gets to do. Sometimes he blends in with high society functions and you get an almost James Bond style investigation and sometimes you capture that Dracula style recluse skulking in his enormous manor, and both of those are very evocative even before you consider how it funds his heroics.

[-] [email protected] 9 points 3 weeks ago

If I had a button that when pressed would kill the richest person in the world, I'd press it until I physically couldn't any more. Hopefully the remaining millionaires would have the sense to see what's happening and spread their wealth more evenly amongst people, and every now and again, I'd press the button a few more times just to keep things from reverting.

Killing a billionaire does nothing but presenting the idea that being among the richest people would result in some regular, omnipotent death would do a lot.

[-] [email protected] 9 points 3 weeks ago


This isn't my standard instance but I do take a look at it sometimes. I'm definitely very far left leaning, I don't have a label that clearly fits me but I'm probably close enough to anarcho-communism or syndicalism. I live in the UK so it's pretty common for my views to fall further left of the USA.

I'm not particularly good at actually adhering to my own views, infact I don't think I've ever done e anything substantial to bringing my ideals into reality. My dream would be for small federated housing / workers co-ops and unions to get a good handle in my area, and then have the stability to grow.

The crucial reason I'm not a tankie is that I actively oppose top down leadership structures, and I'm actually more against authoritarianism than I am against the right, but I feel that in my country, conservatism and authoritarianism are deeply linked, and a bottom up power structure would do more to actively oppose facism and power consolidation than a far left authoritarian regime.

In short, No. My principles may make me a commie, but I'm an anarchist first.

[-] [email protected] 10 points 3 weeks ago

I just always give too much context to my stories, and quickly realise that I'm giving context for context for context and cant remember my point.

My closest friend is very similar here though, and we can have great long conversations that are 20 layers deep of tangents and forgetting our original points. We also sometimes yell 'pin' at eachother as a shorthand for 'lets put a pin in this' which basically means that at some point we're trying to remember what we wanted to say at that point because it was fun.

[-] [email protected] 3 points 3 weeks ago

Often when I try to copy other people's facial expressions, I realise I have no control over my facial muscles if I try to move just the left or right side. It's absolutely fine if I move both sides at once but I literally can't even sense the muscle to move it when I try one side, but my friends can. I can wink though, but I used to do it very unnaturally.

[-] [email protected] 5 points 3 weeks ago

Honestly I feel it was way more exciting in concept than execution anyway. Hell, I think it would make a fantastic TTRPG setting, since it's strongest in premise and has strong ludo-narrative cohesion falling between a narrative game and a wargame.

[-] [email protected] 11 points 3 weeks ago

A well roleplayed Marut is great. As a CR 25 construct, it's going to be enforcing a universal law, such as attempting to stop a world ending threat.

It's primary aim is normally to planeshift it's quarry to court, rather than kill them, and may even prefer not to kill those who come between that goal.

Here's The Monsters Know What They're Doing's blog post on them. It really telegraphs how helpless a targeted creature is to them.

[-] [email protected] 18 points 3 weeks ago

I read that as "different because..." implied the author was in the closet.

Also, I live in a UK city that may be in the top three for left wing, LGBT, etc support and my best friend has had basically all of this said to her because of her sexuality and worse, including threats of rape yelled at her and threats of murder at her partner. I literally never hear these kinds of comments but they are absolutely things people in the queer community hear all the time.

Being a lame ally is better than being hostile though, and it's a shame this comic blends bigotry with well meaning but lame support.

[-] [email protected] 9 points 1 month ago

Season 1 is also great because it did a great job having the kids be basically doing ET, the teens doing a camp horror and the parents doing a cold war conspiracy thriller.

Every season since of course needs to alter the group compositions, so we rarely get this again, although the elements are still there, they're now shaken up enough that the show is often more focused on riffing on its own formula then emulating the media that inspired it. And that's fine, it should probably be a good thing that it's not in the shadow of it's inspirations, but man do I miss that specific vibe.

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