[-] [email protected] 16 points 2 months ago

This list is so bad, it has to be a troll.

[-] [email protected] 12 points 2 months ago

I accidentally overwrote /etc/passwd once and I allowed /boot to run out of space during a kernal update and I created a local user with the same user that was also on the realm/domain that I had joined and various bash script issues.
Some stuff I've had to fix that someone else did:

  • named a file rm -rf
  • rm -rf /bin instead of ./bin -- Also the fact that they had sudo was crazy and also I guess this was the second time
  • chmod -R 777 /
  • Various software bugs running swap out of space or hitting the inode limit by creating files over and over again with a timestamp in the filename and having to remove all of them because there was no backup to the OS
  • Someone disabled SELinux because something wasn't working but didn't tell anyone -- ugh
  • Compiled java because they googled some issue and followed some old tutorial without understanding anything instead of using alternatives and symlinked the old java from /bin to /home/theiruser/java -- had sudo because he was a Windows domain admin.
  • Cybersecurity guy didn't know what some VMs did so he turned them off and figured he'd find out if/when someone complained. Caused a massive core services outage.
  • Same Cybersecurity guy deleted a bunch of data because he wanted to see how the sysadmins would respond and witness backup restorations. He did not inform anyone.
  • Cybersecurity guy above still has Domain Admin and sudo everywhere. I would have personally removed his privileged access regardless of what 'CyberSecurity' management thought but I was leaving for a new job by then anyway so I figured I'd just let them eventually lie in the bed they made.

There's more but I don't want to keep going because it is Sunday and I don't want to ruin it.

[-] [email protected] 5 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

You can use Gnome Boxes to give you a front-end for KVM/qemu like VB. With the spice-webdavd package, you can share files similarly to the guest or send files directly to it.

As far as Samba goes, it is just a FOSS implementation of Microsoft's SMB. Just like with Windows, you'll have to open Explorer to the IP/Hostname of your Samba server or I guess have both join the same workgroup with the same name on the same subnet.

[-] [email protected] 4 points 2 months ago

I apologize. I didn't know I had replies when I deleted my post. Yeah I know you can set that behavior in some editors. And other than what I just replied with on another comment, I like tabs because I also don't have to worry about styling guides that some set down as '2 spaces' or '3 spaces' or '5 spaces' or whatever. It is basically just universally a horizontal tab.

[-] [email protected] 2 points 2 months ago

Sorry I didn't realize I had replied with I deleted my comment. I understand some editors allow you to set tab and you can set actual spaces, like in vi. However, personally I feel like hitting tab gives me the whitespace I want for readability already.

For programmatic parsing it is simple because it's just looking for an HT.

[-] [email protected] 1 points 2 months ago

A 30% cut for steam games sold on steam and a 0% cut for steam keys sold by the publisher wherever they want with the caveat that they must give steam users the same sales at around the same time. They get their games hosted on Steam's industry best CDN, a page with support for images and videos, an API with features users like, workshop API for mod hosting and delivery, and other SteamWorks API stuff for stuff like multiplayer, patch management without charging a fee for it, forum hosting to hit the highlights. Pretty much all of that drives engagement and is mostly turn-key though you do have to programmatically interact with their API when it makes sense.

Steam provides a lot of benefit for a 30% cut of what is sold on their store front and a lot more benefit for getting all of the above for a 0% cut if they sell steam keys outside of steam.

[-] [email protected] 4 points 2 months ago

Depends who owns the car or who has the loan out against the car. If you own the car and hire the driver, you insure the car and put them on the policy as the primary driver.


joined 7 months ago