
joined 11 months ago
[–] [email protected] 2 points 11 months ago (1 children)

I'm 22. I grew up playing my PS1 on with an upscaler on the 55 inch Vizio in the front room. I like the PS1 art style quite a bit and think that a good upscale and maybe a filter is all you need to make things look how I want.

Idk, I think it would make a difference in the Microsoft v Sony sales. Nintendo doing the N64 and NES eShop have been massively successful. Xbox doesn't really have any killer apps, they've really just had Sony beaten on software features the past two generations. Sony implementing the software features that Nintendo and Microsoft offer would make a decent difference.

Plus, imagine how well a "play your childhood discs on your xplaytendo switchtion" would work in an ad campaign. Getting people to pull out their childhood game collection would make for a great viral campaign for gamers as well.

Idk, the thing about the internet that I don't think older people have realized is that it creates an even larger freeze in culture than ever before. If you started gaming in the 90s, you likely heard about older games via word of mouth and got your games at a physical store. There were no minor celebrities that would turn a cult classic into an actual classic. Nowadays? Old media is fully capable of wiping out new media in the right circumstances. Songs like "Dreams" by Fleetwood Mac and some Pink Floyd (if I remember correctly) have taken #1 Billboard spots in the past 2-3 years. LSD Dream Emulator went from a game nobody played to a PlayStation classic because of some YouTube videos. We're in an age where there is an extremely high demand for old media and no way to access most of it without piracy. There is a TON of money to be made by charging money for emulation and moving things to new consoles.

Mark my words, Skyrim will come out on the next generation Xbox, because Bethesda understands that accessibility is good enough to charge for.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 11 months ago (10 children)

PS1 emulation is a breeze, but with current hardware in the PS5, I think a PS2 emulator on the platform wouldn't be too insane. But yeah, PS3 emulation? Not happening.

I think you're wrong on the disc not working thing though. The original Xbox was only half supported for a long time.

[–] [email protected] 17 points 11 months ago

I use swipe typing, so yes.

[–] [email protected] 17 points 11 months ago

Morbius 2 is going to recontextualize what "Morbin" is fr

[–] [email protected] 1 points 11 months ago

Yep, in my highschool/college depression days, making YouTube videos on music production helped me keep my head up.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 11 months ago

I wasn't able to when I tried it yesterday. Sync was my favorite Reddit client, but it's Lemmy offering leaves a lot to be desired so far. It's early in development though so I can't judge it too harshly, posting on here is slightly more complicated than posting on Reddit.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 11 months ago

Evie launcher. It's dead now, but I love it

[–] [email protected] 1 points 11 months ago (2 children)

Sync is missing a lot of basic features right now, like posting and searching

[–] [email protected] 2 points 11 months ago (1 children)

Well that's the great thing about kids forgetting the fun they had, there's nothing stopping you guys from playing the same games over and over again with her. She'll remember everything as she gets older though. Loved playing Halo co-op with my Dad when I was a kid, it was so fucking cool.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 11 months ago (1 children)

Mass Effect as a series had so many heartbreaking moments. I'll never forget the horror of finishing 2 without doing enough loyalty quests and seeing that final mission play out. For me, it was Legion and Tali that got me. I always sided with the quarians over the geth, but Legion's death was always just so hard

[–] [email protected] 2 points 11 months ago

Art is just so cathartic for some reason. I think it's just easier for us to think about another fictional person's emotions than our own.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 11 months ago (3 children)

This is probably my favorite answer so far. One thing I love about Nintendo is that it's made for kids, they can't do THAT much to shock you. They can only tell what I'd call human stories, stories that anybody on the globe will be able to understand. N64 Zelda is fairly simple as far as writing goes, but it does the simplicity extremely well. It reminds me of Greek tragedies more than anything else, where the tragedy, the main situations can be understood even without dialogue.


Just for the heads up, this thread will probably have a lot of spoilers. I'm gonna try to go vague on spoilers for anybody that hasn't played Hotline Miami 2. If you've played the game, you'll probably know what I mean, but I'm going to say some purposefully esoteric shit to keep it out of full spoiler territory.

My pick has to be Richter's plotline from Hotline Miami 2. One part that makes me cry is when Richard, arguably a god of death, helps Richter escape from his previous entanglement. In these games, Richard doesn't show up to help. He shows up when someone did some fucked up shit. Richard consistently shows up to help Richter though. He just tells him "run" in that moment and you feel the fucking urgency to get out like nothing else. One of the harder levels I've ever played, but holy shit I wanted Richter OUT. I was so frustrated with the game but I just would not stop until Richter had escaped.

Hotline Miami is a series of bad endings, but there are 2 happy conclusions in the sequel, both are direct consequences of Richter and his love for his mother. His ending isn't even THAT happy. But there's something about his final conversation with Richard that just made me fucking bawl the every time I played. Richter's indifference to what Richard is saying. He barely got any time to enjoy what he had been fighting for for years. But when he knew it was over, he was comfortable because he was just vibing with his mom in Hawaii like they had always wanted. He was just happy that he got to spend his last days with the person he loved the most.

His love for his mother can even give Evan, the writer, a happy ending where he picks up the letter instead of the pen. Richter's plotline manages to poignantly deliver the point of Hotline Miami 2 in one short and digestible bit. Love the people you hold close. Wanting violence only brings violence. The only way forward to true peace is accepting whatever terrible situations you're in and just going forward.

I could rant about this forever. It was just such an amazing part of the game. What are your favorite emotional moments from games?

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