
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 9 points 9 months ago

Funny how the people who want to harm the oil companies are "terrorists," but the people literally destroying the earth are not

[–] [email protected] 2 points 9 months ago

I do, and I get it. We used to have the infrastructure, but it was lost as our communities became more car-centric. Personally, I own a cheap used fuel efficient car that I only use when I have to drive long distances.

I also know a lot of people who own gas-guzzling pickups and SUVs who don't need them, and people who choose to live in expensive suburban areas because they fancy themselves too good to live amongst us "poor people" in "bad neighborhoods" because we're supposedly dangerous. Also, a lot of people who think they have to drive everywhere they go, even a few blocks from their home. Those people can fuck right off.

I'd rather be inconvenienced by losing my car than continuing to subsidize the type of people I see driving every day.

[–] [email protected] 22 points 9 months ago

Exactly. People who fat shame don't actually want people to improve -- they just want a target for their hate. I see no reason to disparage the people in the picture, nor to think they won't properly care for their dog.

I don't think fat shaming should be allowed here.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 9 months ago

You're very perceptive. Have you ever considered working as an investigator?

[–] [email protected] 9 points 9 months ago (24 children)

The clear answer is yes. This is exactly like the people who say they won't be allies anymore if we LGBT+ people aren't polite enough.

No halfway decent person who isn't a steaming pile of excrement would be deterred by such a protest. That user's take stems from discourse specifically designed to shut down protests, and it's imperative that we do not let it work.

So no, the "dude" doesn't have a "point." It's all horseshit. Shut them down immediately when they start flapping their pie hole with that shit.

[–] [email protected] 42 points 9 months ago (41 children)

Ohno, people who are being systemically killed are making you late for work! Time to turn against them

[–] [email protected] 12 points 9 months ago

Finally some good memes!

[–] [email protected] 1 points 9 months ago

Your comment just made me think about all the devices I still use that use micro-USB: Bluetooth speakers (most of which I bought some long time ago and still work), rechargeable keyboard with trackpad (used for our streaming PC), headsets, gaming controllers, power packs (even one that has an additional Apple charger as an option LOL), AA batteries, bicycle headlights/taillights, so many flashlights and lanterns for camping, the mobile hotspot they gave me for work, action cams...

We'll be using micro-USB for a long time to come, it seems.

[–] [email protected] -2 points 9 months ago (2 children)

Why am I so angry? Oh, I don't know -- maybe it had something to do with the fact that I shared a simple anecdote from my life, which was met with "I don’t believe this." by some prick online. I'm so burnt out with pricks like that online. I don't meet as many of you here as I did on reddit, but I've just started giving people the "fuck you" attitude they deserve when they respond to me by being unnecessarily hostile and argumentative.

And obviously my dad couldn't wait for them to order one in, or whatever you're imagining. Maybe you have a pampered and privileged life where you have the luxury of being able to be without a phone while you wait for one to be delivered, but most people in my circles cannot.

Now please don't talk to me again.

[–] [email protected] -2 points 9 months ago (1 children)

Why don't you accompany my 80+ year old father to the Verizon store next time you're in South Dakota? Then you can argue with the minimum wage-paid clerk instead of embarrassing yourself by being wrong on a message board

[–] [email protected] 3 points 9 months ago (4 children)

He has Verizon

Not sure why you find it hard to believe. They have various phones on display that are either "free" (everyone knows you actually pay for it and then some, but it doesn't have an additional cost) or cost extra per month with your contract. When my dad had to switch to a smartphone, one of the iPhones was the only one he could get at no additional charge. If you have more questions, you'll have to talk to Verizon and ask them why they don't stock their shops better in bumfuck, South Dakota. I'm telling the truth, but it's not worth arguing with some rando over a shitty phone just because you doubt me for no reason.

"premium" phone

I don't even know what this means. You're not making sense.

Go argue with someone else about something that matters instead of directing your unhinged rudeness at me.


Hi, I think I'm looking for a unicorn. I would like to use a search engine that does not alter results based on things like location data harvested from my IP or prior search keywords, but that only responds to deliberate input from the user (keywords and syntax).

The reason is I find it very disturbing how people can be influenced by results that target them. This became a great concern in my mind when I first [made the mistake of] trying Tik Tok for the first time. Before it had collected any data from me, it was clear that my location and the interests of people in this area were strongly influencing results, with most of the content being of the radical alt-right variety. While results from a typical search engine may not be so dramatically skewed, it's still troubling that we may be influenced in some way by results tailored to appeal to us or to other users in our households / locales.

So far, these are the ones I've tried (I won't even mention search engines like Bing and Google, because ... obviously):

1. Qwant: This was my first hope since it promotes itself as "the search engine that doesn't know anything about you." Upon searching "restaurants in my area," this bold claim was immediately disproven.

2. Startpage: I used this for a long time before I noticed that results were being altered. It was subtle. While Startpage does not appear to use location information from my IP, I happened to search a specific address while in another town, and the day after this I started noticing results that heavily skewed toward that location, so apparently it does change search results based on which keywords you've searched before, which is just as troubling. Add to this the fact that they are suspect in the first place, being a System1 product, and it makes me feel ill at ease.

3. SearXNG: So I realize there's a lot of customization one can do within SearXNG, but so far the public instances I've tried have all clearly netted results that are location-based.

4. Kagi: I can't really afford to use this, but I had heard good things about it, so I tried the free trial. It was immediately giving me results based on my location. I'd say it was just as bad as mainline search engines such as Google and Bing.

5. DuckDuckGo HTML: This was my most recent attempt at finding a search engine. I knew from experience that standard DuckDuckGo changed results based on location, but I had read some information that led me to believe the HTML version does not. Unfortunately, it does.

Does anyone know of any search engine I can try that only nets results based on my input without trying to think for me? I'm exhausted lol

Edit: I just thought of this, and now I'm curious. I don't know much about how Tor works, but do search engines with .onion URLs yield results from the general internet, or only .onion sites?

Edit 2: This is ... extremely odd. Simplified explanation: Tor connects you via a specific circuit of nodes, which you can see by clicking an icon next to the address bar. The last node it connects to is the exit node. But here's the thing: Even the Tor edition of DDG insists on providing location-biased results that match the location of the exit node. I tested this by running a search on DDG and then connecting via a different circuit several times. Each time, the results were tailored to the location of the exit node. This is very disappointing. I'm going to do some searching and try some different search engines, but I think it's safe to say I will not find what I'm looking for in any fork of DuckDuckGo, not even the .onion version.

Edit 3: This ... might be it. This looks promising!

Edit 4: Another one, possibly? It appears to provide a lot of results around Stockholm though, so maybe it's not totally location-neutral. It's easy enough to trick a search engine into thinking you're at another location if that's the goal, but the goal here is authentic results.

Edit 5: Someone pointed out to me that has a setting to search with "no location bias," and so far it appears it does not alter results based on location. I'm going to try this for a while.

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