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NORTH CHARLESTON, S.C. (AP) — Authorities found a debris field Monday from a Marine Corps F-35 stealth fighter jet that crashed in South Carolina after the pilot ejected and parachuted to safety.


Sept 18 (Reuters) - A group of 18 state attorneys general said on Monday they backed Montana's effort to ban Chinese-owned short video app TikTok, urging a U.S. judge to reject legal challenges ahead of the Jan. 1 effective date.


BERLIN, Sept 18 (Reuters) - Germany is likely to generate more than 50% of its power from renewable energy this year but needs to ramp up the speed of its transition towards the end of the decade, Economy Minister Robert Habeck said on Monday.

[–] [email protected] 19 points 9 months ago

They lost all trust with the proposed changes. No amount of apologies or non-apologies are going to matter at this point. It's entirely damage control on the Titanic now. I don't believe there's anything that can rescue the sinking ship that is Unity.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 9 months ago


[–] [email protected] 6 points 9 months ago

China has applied sanctions on U.S. companies over selling weapons to Taiwan on numerous occasions before, and it is not immediately clear how they work or what they are intended to achieve given that neither company sells to China.

Big old nothingburger here…

[–] [email protected] 1 points 9 months ago (1 children)

@stopthatgirl7, I appreciate the downvote, however I'd like to add that this contributes to the conversation and the trend of using the word "slam" in every article that poses a reactionary comment by someone, or an entity against something another someone or entity officially says.

It's apparent that it's low effort in the attempt to generate clicks. Quite frankly, I agree with Taiwan's comments against Elon "I open my mouth garbage spews forth" Musk. I just don't agree with the headline.


TikTok has been hit with a €345 million EU fine over the way it processes the personal data of children and teenage users, the first handed out by the bloc to the Chinese-owned social media platform.

[–] [email protected] -2 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) (2 children)

"Slams" equates to low effort shitposting, even by the likes of NBC. As a business bootlicker CNBC is no stranger to clickbait...

Alternatives to the word "Slam(s)" include: animadversion, aspersion, jab, obloquy, potshot, slap, slur, stricture, and swipe

Seems character count is apparently expensive even in bit format as a digital character.

[–] [email protected] 24 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

Not even an anonymous threat, which could have been implied by the initial reporting. Riccitiello used this opportunity to cancel a town hall event where he could be confronted with these controversial changes by overblowing the actual threat to his company and his employees. Wow, coming from this sleazebag I'm not surprised.


So now, anytime a CEO or representative uses death threats and/or retaliation against employees as an excuse to interrupt company functions it could be considered entirely suspect. He's not the first to do it recently (fuck you u/Spez), but this doesn't help respond against actual credible threats to people from disgruntled users.

[–] [email protected] -2 points 9 months ago

Nobody wants to work anymore...

[–] [email protected] 9 points 9 months ago

YouTube, Forbes...

Pillars of journalism.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 9 months ago

They used to make their computers with components that could be upgraded. That stopped a decade ago. Hopefully we'll get to see products like that again. It would be a refreshing change.


California, the home to many of tech's biggest companies and the nation's most populous state, is pushing ahead with a right-to-repair bill for consumer electronics and appliances. After unanimous votes in the state Assembly and Senate, the bill passed yesterday is expected to move through a concurrence vote and be signed by Governor Gavin Newsom.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 9 months ago

The next day, nine days later...JHC within the microcosm of things it's a gaffe. Something Biden is known to do, and based on his dyslexia it's entirely possible he misread a teleprompter.

Mountain, meet molehill. Point is, Biden did visit Ground Zero. Whether it was the next day or the next week, he still did it.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 9 months ago

In Havana, prosecutor José Luis Reyes told state TV that suspects are being investigated for crimes, including being a mercenary or recruiting mercenaries, and could face sentences of up to 30 years or life in prison, or even the death penalty.


HAVANA (AP) — Cuban authorities have arrested 17 people in connection with what they described as a network to recruit Cuban nationals to fight for Russia in Ukraine.

The head of criminal investigations for Cuba’s Interior Ministry, César Rodríguez, said late Thursday on state media that at least three of the 17 arrested are part of recruitment efforts inside the island country.

He did not identify the alleged members of the network but said they had previous criminal records. Some families started speaking up about the case on Friday, and at least one mother said that her son was promised a job in construction in Russia.

Cuba’s Foreign Ministry said on Monday that the government had detected a network operating from Russia to recruit Cuban citizens living both in Russia and in Cuba to fight in Ukraine. It said authorities were working “to neutralize and dismantle” the network but gave no details.


The European Commission has published an official list of services offered by ‘gatekeepers’ that must comply with obligations under the new Digital Markets Act. Companies now have six months to comply with the rules.


BERLIN (AP) — The archbishop of Cologne, one of Germany’s most important Catholic dioceses, expressed disappointment Friday that employees used work computers to try to access pornographic websites.


WARSAW, Aug 11 (Reuters) - Polish police arrested five people suspected of being responsible for running a web platform that has been used to launch cyberattacks around the world, European policing agency Europol said on Friday.


NAIROBI, Kenya (AP) — The United Nations World Food Program is slowly resuming food aid to Ethiopia nearly five months after taking the extraordinary measure of suspending aid to millions of people after the discovery of a massive scheme to steal donated grain. WFP said it’s testing small-scale distribution in some areas but acknowledges that the government still plays a role in the process.


The German defense ministry says that it has received 178 applications for compensation from gay servicepeople who experienced discrimination in the military in the past.


KYIV, Ukraine (AP) — Russia’s Foreign Ministry on Monday chided efforts by international officials meeting in Saudi Arabia to find a peaceful settlement for the war in Ukraine, saying the talks don’t have “the slightest added value” because Moscow — unlike Kyiv — wasn’t invited.

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