
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 3 points 11 months ago

I, also, use systemd.... When running Wayland and x11 window managers there are quite a few dependencies on systemd that are easiest ti handle by just using it. ;)

MXLinux 23 (

"Middleweight champ MX Linux 23 delivers knockout punch... Debian 12-based version should be your first choice for a non-systemd distro"

#Technology #Distro #MXlinux #Debian #Systemd #Linux

[–] [email protected] 1 points 11 months ago

Looks like my cut & paste skills need work.... here are the links I intended to give everyone:

Exodia (dwm, bspwm) Arch Distro:

CachyOS (gnome, kde) Arch Distro:

XeroLinux (Stable base Arch):


I have been looking around and found a few new Distros which I plan to test and perhaps use. These are all Arch based.

Exodia (dwm, bspwm) Arch Distro:

CachyOS (gnome, kde) Arch Distro:

XeroLinux (Stable base Arch):

#Linux #Distros #ArchLinux #Arch #Technology #Software #OS


"New Vaccine Targets Alzheimer’s Disease at its Roots"

#Alzheimer #Disease #Vaccine #Health #Aging #Science #Technology #News


A brief tutorial on "How to make Conky work on SwayWM" and I presume on other Wayland desktop systems, as well."

#Linux #Debian #LiliDog #BearDog #Sway #Wayland #Technology #x11


Memory Use (RAM)- A Brief (Biased?) Comparison of 7 Window Managers


This is a fairly lengthy tutorial, it includes relevant dotfiles, etc. and is Free.

#SwayWM #Linux #Wayland #WindowManager #Technology #Debian #LiliDog


"Best weird and wonderful niche Linux distros in 2023"

#Linux #Technology #Distros #Niche #News #Computer #OS