
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 10 months ago

Refresh speed, font rendering, integrated features like multiplexing, theming…

[–] [email protected] 1 points 10 months ago

But you can sell everything back for full price, as always, right?

[–] [email protected] 14 points 10 months ago

As I said in another reply, there was never any chance of this guy apologizing.

If anyone expected a (real) apology they don’t much about him.

[–] [email protected] 65 points 10 months ago

Rubiales it’s not a “dumb mistake” kind of guy. It’s an “I’m untouchable and can do whatever I want” kind of guy. This is part of a years long trend.

I mean, he is indicted for several corruption cases, accused of holding orgies paid with federation funds, and being a shady creep. Spanish sports federations and national government have protected him from prosecution, delaying several cases. Let’s see for how much longer.

He also is kind of bad as a federation president, petty, dismissive with some teams, blind to corruption and deals between teams and referees, slow to accept the popularity of women’s football, and many more bad decisions.

It’s not an innocent guy that made an honest mistake, it’s the kind of guy that treats other people like objects and have the power and influence to avoid or delay the consequences of his actions.

He should have resigned years ago, he will not do it. But now he has done something that:

  • it’s easy to explain.
  • has been seen around the world.
  • looks very bad.

So everyone that wanted him out of the federation for whatever reason (this one included) seems to be taking the chance.

As an Spaniard that doesn’t really care about football, but knows the kind of use this guy and others like him are making of their power, influence and taxpayer’s money ABOUT TIME.

[–] [email protected] 20 points 10 months ago (1 children)

In Spanish we have an expression, “¡No se podía saber!” It’s something like “Who could have seen it coming?”

NFTs are a bad investment? ¡No se podía saber!

[–] [email protected] 2 points 10 months ago

Xbox One/Series S/SeriesX and PS4/5 are x86 PCs, Switch is an ARM phone.

So, in the lowest level they are pretty out of the shelf hardware. Electronics are getting way to complicated to invest in the development of custom hardware architectures for a single product.

You take a commonly used architecture, fork an Operating System that you have access to, bundle as many libraries as makes sense and call it a day. No one is going to use weird quirks of the hardware except if you make some deal with Unity or Unreal.

Thank Sony and the Cell Processor for that.

[–] [email protected] -1 points 11 months ago

Python in the browsers seems like the only outcome worst than JavaScript in the browser.

It sends shivers down my spine.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 11 months ago

At least half of those are patched Firefoxes, without telemetry and improved privacy.

Brave, Vivaldi, Edge etc are way more different from chromium than any of those from Firefox.

The thing is Firefox components are more tightly coupled. blink and v8 are easier to wrap in your own browser than gecko and SpiderMonkey.

Mozilla has been refactoring for ages improving the modularity of Firefox, but it may be already to late.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) (8 children)

Firefox architecture makes remarkably difficult to spin a browser based in its rendering engine.

I can forgive the JavaScript think taking into account the specification was made in 3 days and that the suits made “looking like Java” a requirement.

Everything else is true.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 11 months ago

It’s an amazing ideology to have because if you can create a plausible future benefit you can do any real evil and feel like the good guy!

  • Stealed billions in wages from your workers? It’s alright, the funds will be used for you to gain influence and guide humanity to a better future!

  • Did you release a bioweapon in some global south country? It’s all right! Overpopulation was a danger 5 or 6 generations from now!

  • Destroyed democracy! It does not matter. Fascism today ensures democracy in the year 4000, trust me bro!

[–] [email protected] 0 points 11 months ago

1.- That would make Lemmy servers ultra unsafe to host. Server owners would not be able to moderate content hosted in their machine. It would make a good distributed solution, but not a federated one.

Maybe we’d prefer a centralized organization, with distributed resources. But seeing the defederation drama every week, it doesn’t look the path anyone wants to follow.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) (3 children)

It’s a solution, but I don’t like it.

1.- It’s less resilient. If (more like when) one server goes down it could take the only community in a topic with it.

2.- If the moderators for the community of your interest are kind of dickwads, or absent, or malicious, you have no alternative.

3.- Federation can create weird problems. If your account instance is not the community’s one, you could be effectively banned, without doing anything wrong.

4.- Creates a perverse incentive for using the biggest instance you can for both creating communities and users. Some of the bigger Lemmy instances already are under heavy load and having problems to stay online. Imagine if we discourage using small instances.

Some mechanisms to “merge” communities across servers would be cool addition. Every Android community in every server that still federates with each other lists every post in all of them. Moderators moderate the posts in their instance. Link repetition is the same as inside of one single community. If one of the composing communities moderator team doesn’t does it’s part it could be expelled from the composite. Like a soft de-federation.

Just rambling. It’s a complex problem.


So… do you have arachnophobia? Wait wait wait… come back and listen, it’s not like you think. Really.

Are you into generation spanning epics? Interested in scientific pioneers full of hubris? Want to see multiple civilizations rise and fall, as alien and familiar at the same time? Want to see life from another set of eight eyes?

Children of Time is a sci-fi novel by Adrian Tchaikovsky. Tchaikovsky is a zoologist, psichologist and writer. This will be important soon.

The premise is simple. What happens when we find someone with which we can’t talk? Can he bridge our differences or are we doomed to failure and mutual destruction?

— enough back cover copy —

I really loved this book. It’s a way out there first contact story, filled with conflict and a surprisingly warm and hopeful message. I’d love to talk about it, so It’s in my best interest for you to go, read it and come back here. If you have not done it already.

It reminded me of other first contact stories like Blindsight (another thread in the making) or the tree body series, but it’s so so so much… lesss… bleak? I really needed that.

PD: English is not my first language, I’m an spaniard, so be patient with me.

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