[-] [email protected] 0 points 6 months ago

Does anyone have any recommendations for books like that? A productivity book written for people who can't for the love of god stick to any system? I've tried a lot of them. Read a bunch of books, implemented gazzilion of systems, but everything seems to last only for a few days (during which I procrastrinate by setting it up), then it holds for a while, before being forgotten almost instantly.

And most importantly, all those books just assume that if you plan your day, you're actually going to stick to that plan. And once you start moving tasks from one day to the next, the whole thing falls appart...

[-] [email protected] 2 points 10 months ago

Who wants to be consistent? The dullard and the doctrinaire, the tedious people who carry out their principles to the bitter end of action, to the reductio ad absurdum of practice. Not I. Like Emerson, I write over the door of my library the word ‘Whim.’

From Intentions, by Oscar Wilde. It's one of my favorite books, all of the essays there are amazing, I definitely recommend anyone giving it a read.

[-] [email protected] 7 points 10 months ago

Someone will most likely create a fork to remove this or an option to disable it will probably be baked into about:config.

But that's the issue - if WEI passes, EVERY webpage will be able to use DRM. So, just like you have to switch to Chromium for DRMed media content, you will now have to switch for every website that has decided to implement it. So, your bank (because google is pushing it as a security feature), Youtube, Gmail... Just like you are not able to play DRM media, you won't be able to visit DRMed websites without WEI API supported. It's not something you turn off.

[-] [email protected] 7 points 10 months ago

Add-ons are a pretty huge security risk, though. Someone was just posting an article about how tempting it is to sell out with your extension, and how many offers you actually get.

And I've already been burned once, and it's not pretty. Also nothing you can do against this.

The best solution is actually not Firefox, but Mullvad. No need for extensions, based on Tor Browser and can be bundled with a VPN that's full of other people using the same browser - so you have exactly the same fingerprint, and they can't tell you apart. Not by extensions, not by IP.

[-] [email protected] 3 points 10 months ago

Unfortunately, if you have properly set up Firefox, i.e with arkenfox user.js or by using Librewolf, it doesn't work :/ It still blocks adds without issues, but it's not visiting them.

Or if you're running PiHole - same issue. Is there a way how to make PiHole actually go though all those clicks? I guess it would be hard to figure out what's an ad and what's telemetry.

[-] [email protected] 41 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

That's why I'm avoiding any extension I know I really don't need.

I've already burned myself once, when Nano Defender sold out and turned into a cookie-stealing malware. By the time it was one of few adblockers that were not being blocked by adblock killers. They've pushed a malware update through the Chrome web store, and started exploiting stolen cookies immediately.

It was a difficult day, where I had to explain to few of my exes that someone hacked their Instagram account due to an ad-blocker I've set up for them when we were dating few years ago.

[-] [email protected] 19 points 10 months ago

I love this quote, it exactly sums up my sentiments.

I'm actually looking forward to it, because it will finally force me to go cold turkey on so many bullshit websites I don't need in my life anyway, which I was never able to do on my own, because the addiction simply is there. But not as strong ans my hatred of fingerprinting and advertisements.

[-] [email protected] 14 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

We know how it will impact Firefox. They will be deeply concerned with WEI and extremely opposing it, but will implement it anyway because they are forced to do it.

It's going to go exactly like this. Again.

With most competing browsers and the content industry embracing the W3C ~~EME~~ WEI specification, Mozilla has little choice but to implement ~~EME~~ WEI as well so our users can continue to access all content they want to enjoy.

And that is almost a direct quote.

[-] [email protected] 4 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

Been there, done that. Spoiler alert, it ends with even more people switching to chromium, Mozilla crying that it's deeply concerned with and extremely opposing WEI and will work on figuring out a better solution, because WEI is not what Open Web should be, but is being forced to implement it, because people are switching to other browsers because their shit ain't working.

I wager the post on Mozilla's blog is going to read something like this blog-post about EME (the closed-source video DRM) from few years back. I mean, you can just replace EME with WEI and be done with it. Because this has already happened once before, and we know how exactly it will end.

With most competing browsers and the content industry embracing the W3C ~~EME~~ WEI specification, Mozilla has little choice but to implement ~~EME~~ WEI as well so our users can continue to access all content they want to enjoy.

[-] [email protected] 7 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

That's not how it works.

Your bank will implement WEI API. Facebook will too, same as Gmail or Youtube. Any browser that does not support or has removed the WEI API will not be able to display or use any of those websites. It's the same with Netflix or Spotify - if you try to use it in a more privacy-centered browser, it simply does not work - because it those browsers do not support EME API (which is a DRM that was implemented few years ago, but for media). Firefox was against it, by the way. Firefox also quickly backed down and implemented it anyway once it rolled out, because "We ArE FoRcEd tO Do It", due to their already dwindling marketshare and people complaining and switching to other browsers because their shit ain't working on Firefox.

Everyone keeps saying "I will never use a browser that does support WEI!", but somehow it feels like they don't really realize that their internet will simply stop working for most of the content they consume, since there's no reason for Google or Facebook to not use this opportunity to forcefeed more ads to people.

[-] [email protected] 2 points 10 months ago

Exactly this. It probably varies from person to person, but tapping my foot when listening to music at a computer in rythm with the song, or just noding my head slightly makes me way more invested into the song. Doing anything in sync with music is satisfying - that's why games such as Beatsaber or BPM - Bullets Per Minute are sooo satisfying to play - if you don't get dancing, I recommend giving BPM a try.

And dancing is basically the same. You don't do that for others, but to enjoy the music more. And especially with drugs or alcohol involved (because it usually erases any kind of self-consciousness and focus on how you look, so you can focus just on the music), it just feels so great.

And as for ballroom dancing - being so well in sync with someone in addition to the music is an amazing experience. It takes time and requires a stable dancing partner, but once you eventually sync with eachother and know the steps well enough that you don't have to think about it and it just flows, it's an experience unlike anything I've had with a second person. And my dancing partner isn't even my girlfriend, but just a friend.

One comparison I can make is what I had during highschool, where I've wasted several years literally only playing League of Legends with my best friend for all of my free time. We played ADC/Support, and after few hundreds of hours we were so synchronized that we would could instinctively react to each other without thinking or talking about it, and it was a really weird experience. And really interesting, I've never experienced something like that with anyone else (before I started dancing, that is), and it's such an unique connection of minds and thinking that it's an amazing experience.

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