[-] [email protected] 2 points 1 hour ago

That's quite the lesson you just laid down.

It's actually made things a lot more clear for me. To put it as tersely as I can, UTC is the international time, GMT is a timezone, which also happens to be UTC+0.

So GMT is a place/zone/region of earth, and UTC is a time coordination, with no physical location (beyond the prime meridian, which is where it is tracking the time of).


[-] [email protected] 4 points 6 hours ago

IMO, the biggest problem with timezones is that the people who initially created them were fairly short sighted.

That and there have been way too many changes to who lives in what timezone. The one that boggles my mind is that apparently there's a country in two timezones, not like, split down the middle or anything, but two active timezones across the entire country depending on which culture you're a part of, or something. It's wild.

I still don't know if there's any difference between GMT and UTC. I couldn't find one. They both have the same time, same offset (+0), and represent the same time zone area.

I use UTC because I'm in tech, and I can't stand time formats, so I exclusively use ISO 8601, with a 24 hour clock. Usually in my local time zone, via UTC. We have DST here which I'm not a fan of, but I have to abide by because everyone else does.

My biggest issues with time and timezones is that everyone uses different standards. It drives me nuts when software doesn't let me set the standard for how the time and date is displayed, and doesn't follow the system settings. It's more common in web apps, but it happens a lot. I put in a lot of effort to try to get everything displaying in a standard format then some crudely written website is just mm/dd/yy with 12h clock and no timezone info, and there's nothing you can do about it.

[-] [email protected] 1 points 8 hours ago

Version 1.0 released in 2016. I'm pretty sure my process pre-dates this tool.

Looks good, but my collection is already ripped and converted, so I don't have a need for it anymore.

I'll keep this in my pack pocket if I happen to ever buy physical media again.

[-] [email protected] 1 points 8 hours ago

I use a private streaming application. I don't want to say which one, but popular examples include Plex, jellyfin, emby, and Kodi.

It's not really compatible with the DVD menu systems, though, that would be really fun if it was.

[-] [email protected] 2 points 17 hours ago

My bad, it's been a while.

[-] [email protected] 1 points 18 hours ago

No lie, a large amount of my digital media was pulled from physical disks.

I set up a system with a ton of space and two optical drives and just cycled through, disk after disk, pulling the content off. Once I had it, I ran it through handbrake and converted it to H.264 (AVC/AAC), and then put all the disks away and forgot about them.

[-] [email protected] 2 points 18 hours ago

Whenever I see a SATA optical drive that someone doesn't want, I grab it and tuck it away. Shit is rare now.

I'm sure I could go to a shop and just pick one up, but honestly, I don't have a reason to. Give me an opportunity to snag one for free and I will not pass it up.

[-] [email protected] 2 points 18 hours ago

I have an external Blu ray drive at this point.

I've always wanted a good quality 3.5" external drive. I rarely have an internal disc drive (cd/dvd/BR) on any of my computers. A few years ago I had the need to pull some files off of a 3.5" floppy, I had to boot up an old Dell PE 2850 server that had a 3.5" drive on it to get the files off the drive. Luckily the copy of Windows server 2003 still booted, and the raid array was operational. It was like a miracle getting that stuff off that disk.

It was late at night and I couldn't wait until morning to go buy a USB 3.5" drive to get the data.

I work in IT and people question my sanity when I'm walking home with SCSI interfaces and corresponding SCSI tape drives. I even picked up a zip 100 usb drive at some point.

I never used it for it's intended purpose, but as soon as someone needs data off of some archive, on an outdated storage format, I become the MVP.

[-] [email protected] 11 points 18 hours ago

Iron man.

I think the third one?

That's Tony's dad, in a message he recorded for Tony.

[-] [email protected] 3 points 1 day ago

I'm in Canada, so things here are a bit different. On top of that, things differ greatly between physicians.

I went into my primary care physician, and I inquired about ADHD, because I'd done some learning, and thought I had it, but didn't want to self diagnose. I thought he'd give me a referral to a psychiatrist for diagnosis, instead he gave me a survey, which was maybe 20 questions at most, took maybe a minute to fill out. After, he looked over my answers, said something to the effect of "this seems consistent with mild ADHD, do you feel it is affecting your life?" Very yes. Then he prescribed me a relatively low dose of ADHD meds, and as soon as I got that prescription filled, my life changed for the better.

I've been on it ever since and much happier for it. Took like 3 minutes at my primary care physician.

Meanwhile, my brother went to his primary, who referred him to a psychiatrist, who did weeks of discussions and examinations before any prescription was provided for him. He also has ADHD.

Different physicians, different people, different experiences.

[-] [email protected] 3 points 1 day ago

For anything times 5, I just take the other number, half it, and then multiply by 10. Voila. Times 5.

[-] [email protected] 5 points 2 days ago

I have none of these things.

The convenience closes at 11:59.

I guess I'll starve until morning.

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