[-] [email protected] 57 points 1 month ago

I'll legitimately be moving to Linux today. This just broke the camel's back for me.

[-] [email protected] 0 points 9 months ago

It's a good day to be a Mullvad user. Switched over from Surfshark a while ago, and I love it.

[-] [email protected] 19 points 9 months ago

Coles isn't small. They're part of what is essentially a duopoly in Australia.

[-] [email protected] 5 points 9 months ago

This is happening in Australia, a country almost universally controlled by the 'left wing' Labor party on both federal and state levels. The sooner you realize that literally no politician gives a shit about their people, the sooner we can move on from this bullshit left vs. right shitshow and start directing our anger at those responsible for the state of the world (hint; it's every politician with any amount of power and any large enough corporation. The cunts are all best mates, left wing or right wing.)

Never forget who the real enemy is. We're playing so fucking effectively into their little game, and they know it. If only we did.

[-] [email protected] 5 points 9 months ago

Yeah, fuuuuuck that. I use Signal for a reason.

[-] [email protected] 3 points 9 months ago

32 here, so definitely not your age, but I just want to let you know that you're not as alone in this as you think. I've also degoogled my life, I don't use any social media outside of kbin and reddit (just to keep up to date on my city via its subreddit), use Signal as my messenger, Proton for email, NewPipe for YouTube, InnerTune instead of Spotify and GrapheneOS with aggressive app permissions instead of Android, all sitting behind Mullvad VPN and a privacy focused web browser.

I've never felt so free of corporate bullshit, and the 'convenience' I've given up hasn't affected my life anywhere near as drastically as I thought it would. I just wish everyone could realize how easy it is to ditch the surveillance machine and still retain an easy, convenient digital life.

[-] [email protected] 1 points 10 months ago

I find my old Pixel 4 charges quite fast through USB C to USB C, but it definitely isn't sub-30 minutes 0%-full. I got home with my phone at 25%, and it's at 80% now after charging for 25 minutes. I'd love to experience genuine fast charging, but for now, this is quick enough for me.


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