
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 3 points 11 months ago

Good to know. That's an interesting app all around.

I moved because of the insular iMessage (including facetime) system my family uses, and have tried several hacks over the years prior to access it on my phone/desktop. During the time we were auditioning apps, there simply wasn't a more reliable mobile system that worked on iOS with the features we wanted (and, trust me, I tried several).

[–] [email protected] 9 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) (4 children)

If you don't need access to iMessage or are not part of the iCloud ecosystem (i.e. do most/all of your work on a Mac), it's still not worth it. I switched ~3-4 years ago for iMessage and the Lidar sensor. The lidar is shit for technical work, or really anything other than the simplest in-phone diversions. If iMessage were available on Android I'd almost certainly swap back. It's not that the phone is bad, per se, just that there are weird limitations that pop up from time to time that wouldn't exist with an Android device.

Edit: I was going to jump on the 15 for the USBC, but I'll probably wait for the hype to die down unless I get a sweetheart upgrade deal from my provider. My airpod case is still lightning, so there's no economy for me in getting my phone switched over.

[–] [email protected] 15 points 11 months ago

IKR? Like, this is a feature, not a downgrade. TBH, my recommendations are pretty good when I see the sidebar, but I'd be 100% okay to never see them since I generally only go to youtube for specific content, not for entertainment.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 11 months ago (1 children)

Given how frequently something gets stuck in the port or it gets slightly damp and refuses to charge, I won't go on travel without a wireless charger. The only time I plug in is if I'm charging from an external battery.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 11 months ago

My expectation is that high(-ish) interest rates will not lower prices; it will lock more people into their houses - chaining them with 2-3% mortgage rates so that they can't move up (since going from 2%-7% is something like a 40-50% increase in monthly payment). That will lower supply or, in hot areas, keep supply artificially low. Even for people who have to move, it becomes enticing (if financially feasibly) to keep the property as a rental as the mortgage with a low rate is almost certainly less than what you can command on the rental market. Even if you pay 10% to an agency and put aside another 10-20% for maintenance and replacement reserve, you can still break even on the mortgage, essentially having someone else pay off your loan while you keep the asset.

There won't be a bust like there was in '09 when everyone was forced to sell or be foreclosed. Ridiculously hot areas will fall back a small amount, but for the most part we'll see a flattening of value increase over the next 7-10 years, with tight supply propping up values more than other inflationary pressures. By then we'll be ready for another bubble. Younger Millennials and pretty much all of all of Gen Z are fuckd.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 11 months ago

Been there. Lived in So Cal and knew a guy who bought a house for 200k turn around 6 months later and his neighbor sold (nearly identical house) for $500k. He got lucky and bought in a neighborhood that got "popular".

My wife and I were DINKs and realized that we would still never afford a house there, so I let them keep their houses, changed careers, and bought a house in a quieter place on the other side of the country (well, moved, rented for a couple years, and then bought). Took a 40% reduction in salary to do it. Still worth it.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 11 months ago

Good to hear good news. The deer pretty much cropped my tomato plants right back to the small tomato cages, knocking most of the protected tomatoes off in the process.

On the bright side, my daughter is home from college for a month and the weather here in the Appalachian mountains has cooled a bit so there are likely some nice evening walks in my future.

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