
joined 11 months ago
[–] [email protected] 2 points 9 months ago (1 children)

As far as I can tell there is no mail essentials plan that costs $9.55 (talking USD/EUR/CHF which is all I can see).

Here's when you learn other countries exist. I am Canadian. I don't talk in USD, EUR, or CHF. I talk in CAD. My payment provider doesn't tell me I paid "X USD", it tells me I paid "X CAD".

I suppose it’s possible you are on some grandfathered plan that is more expensive because you have more custom domains (I seem to maybe remember that being possible back in the day?).

I am not, but you're correct about Proton offering to add more custom domains without having to change to a whole new tier. Another perfect example of how they nickel and dime. They realized they could squeeze more money by forcing people who need more than 3 custom domains to upgrade to a higher tier, than just to pay for the few extra domains.

You called them a money grubbing company and tried to pass yourself off as a regular user who’s paying all this money and then having to get charged more.

Again, they are money grubbing, because they removed the ability to customize your plan, and force tier changes.

When in fact, for 99% of users your situation isn’t applicable at all; and in fact you are on a weird, old, business plan (to which you’d probably save money switching to a new business regular plan [for $12.99 - $9.99] which supports up to 10 custom email domains + all premium proton services).

I am NOT on an old business plan. I am on THE business plan for $15. Again, not everyone uses USD, EUR, or CHF.

$12.99 USD = $17.65 CAD.

And looking into proton pass, it seems like the majority of the cost is because of the email alias service that comes with it. Bitwarden doesn’t in fact provide that (though they do support integration of it) and a quick look at other providers that only provide custom emails it shows similar monthly fees (still less than proton pass to be fair).

Since Proton loves tiers, offer a more expensive tier for the email alias. They should offer a tier similar to BitWarden with similar pricing, and then offer a higher tier for the email alias, something most people don't care about.

So to me, it seems like a bit of unwarranted slander and lies (though I suppose, again, you could be on an old grandfathered plan; but it still doesn’t explain how the “next step up” is $15) because of some beef you have against them.

For the third time. Other countries exist. I know it's a crazy concept, but it's true. I didn't slander anyone, thanks.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 9 months ago (2 children)

That's also very true. Seems like a change just to change.

[–] [email protected] 22 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) (5 children)

Switching the lens switcher and gallery buttons around is annoying as shit. Literally accomplishes nothing, except to fuck with us. They're not even redesigned or repositioned. Just swapped.

Edit: also doesn't work for me. Constant crashing when trying to open. I'm on the latest beta.

Edit 2: apkm bundle works.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 9 months ago

I was already hosting them, but it's not worth it. I've been looking into switching to one of the other privacy focused alternatives that provide the ability to pay per domain, so you can add more without having to jump up tiers and pay for crap you don't want.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 9 months ago (1 children)

That's because Euro and USD are similar. That's how currency works. It's not $10 where I live lol.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 9 months ago

Not the point.

Paying for something is great. Not allowing paying customers to add a simple service without having to upgrade to the next tier, forcing them to buy shit they don't want, is scummy.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 9 months ago (3 children)

Well ya, but I'm not American, so it's not $10 for me.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 9 months ago (5 children)

Not where I am from.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) (3 children)

I thought I made it clear? I was on the Proton Mail Essentials ($9.55) and was required to go to Proton Business ($15) to unlock Proton Pass Plus.

An over $5 increase.

But once again, I don’t see a need to slander and lie about a company that by all accounts is trying to actually do something about the privacy nightmare that the internet has become.

Please tell me where I lied? Thanks.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) (7 children)

Can’t say I share your sentiment. I’ve been quite happy with their rate of progress over the years and the applications they offer. I’ve been using them since they only offered mail and haven’t ever had any issues. I’d rather them take their time to do things right then try to release new things at a frantic pass. While they might not have all the bells and whistles, for the average user I think they provide more than enough value.

They redesigned their Android app and missed the promised deadline TWICE and took 2 YEARS to release it. Now they're working on the Android remake, to add threaded view, to finally catch up to year 2023. Already missed the deadline once.

Also, your pricing is just completely wrong and off base. Pass by itself is $5/month ONLY if you pay per month. If you pay for 1 year worth it’s $4 a month and $3 month if you pay for 2 years. And that’s only if you for some reason only want to pay for proton pass.

It's $5 when I add it onto my Mail Plus for 12 months. Not sure what country you're from, but it's $5 in my country.

Likewise, if you’re paying $120 year for protonmail then you’re most likely on the proton unlimited bundle for $10 per month paying for 1 years worth at a time. In that case you already have access to proton pass (and in fact all of their proton apps and premium features), so I’m not sure why you think you need to pay again for proton pass.

Again, I am on Proton Plus. The second highest tier. The next tier is Proton Business, and it doesn't go higher than that. I need more than 3 measely custom domains, so instead of ProtonMail offering the ability to pay for just more custom domains, they nickel and dime you and force you to pay for the business account. Like I said in my initial comment, they are money grubbing.

edit: I should also note, you don’t have to pay for any of their services. You could get by just using the free versions of everything if you didn’t need the extra bells and whistles offered for paying customers.

Except the features BitWarden hides behind a $1/month subscription, Proton locks behind a $5/month subscription. So unless I want to switch from BitWarden to ProtonPass and LOSE features, then yes, I do.

[–] [email protected] 14 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) (24 children)

Proton Pass pisses me off. Proton is such a money grubbing company that takes FOREVER to release stuff.

I pay $120 per year for ProtonMail, and they want me to pay $180 to unlock the full Proton Pass. $60 per year, for something that BitWarden does for only $12 per year.

Not to mention you'll be waiting years for apps to come out. They're such a fragmented company. The Android remake is already so far past the estimated release date it's sad. Proton Drive Windows app finally came out, but fuck Mac and Linux users, I guess.

BitWarden is available for Windows, Linux, Mac, 9 browsers, iOS, Android, and CLI. - Premium is $1/month.

ProtonPass is available for iOS, Android, and 4 browsers. - Premium is $5/month.

Can't wait for Proton to release a few more half baked services with outdated apps and a promise to update them in a year, but then 3 years later there's still radio silence. Perhaps use your paid services money for developing in a timely manner? Holy shit.

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