
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago

Still on that World of Warcraft Remix: Mists of Pandaria grind. I just finished upgrading all my gear, so now I'll focus on unlocking all the cosmetics and stuff. I also started a second character, a Priest, but I don't really enjoy it right now. So, I'll probably just use this mode to speedlevel a few characters, that I'll never touch again.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago

I've been playing the World of Warcraft Remix: Mists of Pandaria mode since it came out. It's fun, but extremely grindy at max level. I really hope Blizzard improves the balancing, since right now it feels like you gotta decide between spending the special currency on cosmetics and mounts or upgrading your gear. I chose a druid, just for the flexibility of potentially playing every role, but am currently Balance, which I never really played before.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago

I'm really waiting for Rebirth on Steam. I've been thinking about replaying FF7R, but am putting it off until Rebirth comes out.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago

Still World of Warcraft and won't be stopping for a while. I'm mostly finished with the gazillion different campaigns of the Dragonflight expansion, although as I said before, I've skipped all quest text and cutscenes, so I have no idea what the story is. Then, I've run through a few dungeons, some with friends, but it's kinda meh right now. Lastly, I've spent a lot of time doing Pet Battle related stuff. I'm doing the different dailies, so I can get the currency to buy more pets, or went back to old expansions to unlock some zones I've never been to, to capture missing pets. There are a couple of hundreds I'm missing, although I'll have to look up how to get many of them, since it's not just finding them in the wild or going to a vendor.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

In preparation of the Mists of Pandaria Turbo Mode in like 10 days, I'm playing World of Warcraft, and catching up on all the stuff I missed in the last three years. So far, I've leveled two characters to 70, although I skipped all dialogue and cutscenes. I just don't care at all about this stuff in this game.

I gotta be honest though, while the quest progression while leveling is fine, once you're done and max level it becomes a complete clusterfuck. Since this is the tail end of the expansion, all the story content that has been released in the last 18 months, just gets dumped on you. You just get tons of new story quests. One third of which you can't start, because you need some reputation level with a faction or something. Another third needs a previous story to be done first, and the last third you can actually do. Your quest log is full of all that useless bloat, and it becomes a nightmare to sort through. Then there are tons of quests that are supposed to introduce you to the various new mechanics that were added, but those basically drown in the sea of all the other shit. I'm not the biggest fan of the forced story and gating of everything behind it in FF14, but at least I never needed a guide to find out which campaign quest I should do next. Also, important quests that unlock stuff are usually marked with a different color indicator, so they aren't hard to miss. That's something Blizzard should definitely copy. Luckily I have a bunch of friends, who play the game continuously, who I can ask about the most important stuff, otherwise I'd be lost.

I'm really into collecting pets and pet battles in the game, so I've been spending a lot of time flying around, catching everything new, etc. I wonder why Blizzard never added pet battles to the companion app or released it separately for mobile. Back in the day, I'd definitely spent a bunch of time just doing random battles (and would probably still now). I might have to look into setting up the game on my Steam Deck and try out just exploring, catching all the pets, or do the simple quests.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 months ago

Finally finished Horizon Forbidden West, only the base game though, not the DLC, which will have to wait. I definitely enjoyed my time with the game, but I gotta say, the story is complete trash and the antagonists are garbage as well. I liked the companions that hang around in your base, as well as a few of the smaller NPCs scattered around the world though.

Then, I started playing World of Warcraft again. I read about the Mists of Pandaria Turbo mode, that's coming next month and really want to try it (since that is my favorite expansion), so I'm taking a few weeks before to play through the current expansion, Dragonflight. It's been about three years since I played the game, so there are a ton of things I have to learn, but for leveling those don't matter, so I'll just go through the main campaign for now.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 months ago

Still playing Horizon Forbidden West. I'm close to exploring everything of the base game map. Once I'm done with that, I'll focus on the rest of the side quests and finally the main story.