[-] [email protected] 35 points 2 months ago

Guy here, I've worn a few in my time and it's a lot like wearing a new ring on your finger, at first you notice it constantly, you feel it between your fingers and you notice when it moves, but eventually you forget it's even there. Exact same experience with thongs. After the initial sensory experience wears off its as present in your mind as the underwear you're currently wearing. It doesn't move much between the cheeks, and I can't say I've ever explicitly felt it shading my asshole.

Personally I'm not a fan of them because they don't provide the two things I wear underwear for, padding between my thighs so they don't chafe, and decency if I manage to cut it rip my pants while working. If I don't need to worry about those I'll just go commando.

[-] [email protected] 5 points 2 months ago

That actually sounds a lot like disassociation which can be caused and triggered by stress and trauma. You may want to talk to someone about that.

[-] [email protected] 10 points 2 months ago

To add to the star wars situation, the jedi are just as bad for the force as the sith, if not worse. They enforce a rigorous dogma that forces their own to suppress all emotion from a young age out of fear that they may be corrupted by the dark side. Not only does this literally make Darth Vader, but it leads to an entire society of emotionally stunted psychics who apparently go rogue very often. They're not sustainable.

Ignoring the new movies because I genuinely can't figure out what they're about, Anakin fulfilled the prophecy at the end of the original 3, destroying the incredibly powerful dogmatic regime of the jedi and killing both master and pupil of the sith leaving only independent, self governed force users dotting the galaxy.

[-] [email protected] 1 points 2 months ago

I absolutely love the art on that card

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