
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 3 points 9 months ago (1 children)

That, I can’t tell you - I tend to move to pen and paper for anything too sensitive, so I haven’t looked too deeply into that feature

[–] [email protected] 2 points 9 months ago (7 children)
[–] [email protected] 2 points 9 months ago

Sudafed or death. It was unregulated when I was a kid, which was when I was constantly sick. I think my body must be like 30% sudafed at this point. I understand the regulations, but I do feel bad for sick kids these days. A box is not always enough to deal with a bad infection!

[–] [email protected] 3 points 9 months ago

Thank you! I suspected this but wanted to ask anyway. Sounds like some woods plants would do better.

[–] [email protected] 26 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

I am so tired of this dynamic, both in high profile cases and in my own local community. If people gave even a tenth of the support they give to accused predators, to the actual people they have hurt, the world would be a completely different place. I don’t understand the instinct here to shame and ostracize survivors but lionize the people accused of rape and abuse. I’m exhausted.

Edit: I want to add: People do deserve support while they work on changing, but this isn’t that. They were trying to help his case and rehabilitate his character, not help him take accountability and make amends. That’s what makes it so awful. You can support someone you love in taking responsibility for their their actions, without downplaying the seriousness of it or shielding them from what they did. This is the latter. People always say they’re doing the former, but there is a massive distinction.


I have a lot of big, tall, wildflowers at my house that are part of a field environment. If i put some in a big pot and brought them indoors, would they just die?

[–] [email protected] 1 points 9 months ago
[–] [email protected] 3 points 9 months ago (1 children)

Yeah…I was hoping by now that maybe they made mp3 players by now that could sync to phones or tablets. I’m not above transferring files slowly and a few at a time - I used to type in the song names manually haha so it can’t be much worse. CDs are trickier. But I’m glad to know it was annoying but feasible. They really have made owning media such a high effort thing. Sigh.

[–] [email protected] 9 points 9 months ago (16 children)

I hadn’t looked into it, as I’d gotten used to assuming that my phones won’t have the memory space for music - but that’s a smart idea. I’ll have to look into that.


If I wanted an MP3 player again, in 2023, and wanted to rip cds to it and put digitally purchased albums on it, as actual owned files (not inside an proprietary ecosystem where I pay to only listen to that track within that service) could I still do that? What would I need? I don’t own, and can’t afford, a “real computer”, but i recall having lots of compatibility issues at the time between my mp3 player and computer os anyway. I’ve got an ipad and a pixel. Is there any feasible, non-ridiculously-difficult way to do this? Do they still sell any mp3 players? Do any of the old ones work with modern tech? I miss hearing my music on a simple, quiet, offline device without ads or streaming services.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 9 months ago

Thanks for the context! I was responding more to how loosely diagnosis words are used to describe people we don’t know, in not always accurate ways - word drift I guess? So someone with a clinical diagnosis and someone who seems like they could from the outside are two different things, in the popular imagination, even if in both cases people use the same word. I know people have different experiences and I didn’t mean to seem nitpicky. But, I have to believe there are plenty of diagnosed psychopaths out there who do not make the choice to do evil hypercapitalism, and there are plenty of people without any kind of disorder who do. That’s why I’m a bit reticent about generalized statements, even if there may be grain of truth in some cases.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) (2 children)

I think people with psychosis or mental illnesses are actually the least likely to want to fuck over others. But if you mean that she probably wouldn’t have taken the job without already being a giant asshole who doesn’t care about others, I would say you are very likely to be right. Twitter under musk is absolutely not a force for good in the world, and working there is a tacit endorsement of checks notes oh my god so many bad things.


A delightful slice of 2003 sad. Hits a lot differently in adulthood than it did when I first heard it. This is an indie/alt rock album that I have a great deal of love for, and it’s just one of those old ancient favorites for me. It’s really soft and emotive and calming and I’m not a music critic, so I’ll just say I’m a fan of its energy and do recommend it. Good for colder weather.


I’ve gotten emergency weather alerts on my phone for most of my life, but didn’t get one today that another person in my household did. It’s …possible that they lied about this -but, still, it spooked me and I want to make sure that I get important weather alerts where I live. In my phone’s settings, it says that precise location had to be turned on to get emergency alerts from google (i have a pixel). I think this is garbage, and i would like to get around it. Emergency alerts are still a public service in the US, right? I should still get the really dire warnings like tornades and such regardless of what settings or apps i have on my phone? Or has that changed in recent years.


I’ve gotten emergency weather alerts on my phone for most of my life, but didn’t get one today that another person in my household did. It’s …possible that they lied about this -but, still, it spooked me and I want to make sure that I get important weather alerts where I live. In my phone’s settings, it says that precise location had to be turned on to get emergency alerts from google (i have a pixel). I think this is garbage, and i would like to get around it. Emergency alerts are still a public service in the US, right? I should still get the really dire warnings like tornades and such regardless of what settings or apps i have on my phone? Or has that changed in recent years.

LOTR Project (lotrproject.com)

I found a fun website and felt compelled to share.

LotrProject is dedicated to bringing J.R.R Tolkien's works to life through various creative web projects. To the right you see the heart of the site, a genealogy of Middle-Earth. There are also interactive maps, timelines and statistics. Welcome to explore!

Frankenstein Everyday Just Started (frankensteineveryday.substack.com)
submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

A Dracula Daily fan made a substack for Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, which comes to your inbox on the days that Dracula Daily doesn’t. It’s just getting started, so I wanted to share the link for anyone who might want to get onboard before the plot picks up! Frankenstein / The Modern Prometheus really is so good. Sci fi horror but make it 1818.


There’s a creature or creatures talking outside where i live and i’d like to learn a bit more about them. Does anybody know how to tell coyote/fox/coydog/similar dudes apart or have a source for what what the different kinds of calls might mean? They’re not exactly the same as the ones I’ve heard before, so now I’m curious.


I finally bought a (flat pack) dresser recently. I love it, but when sliding the drawers in and out there is some minor sticking/resistance and some very slight misalignment. I am perfectly fine with this and actually kind of prefer it (it's nice that the cat can't open them), but I am wondering if over the long term, the resistance will damage the drawer slides in some way ? They're telescoping metal slides, on the side of each drawer, attached with tiny screws. I really like this thing and want to keep it in good shape as long as possible.

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